Khade Hynkle loves balls

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Khade brought me home around four am, we stopped by Burger King in celebration of my first vandalism, I wasn't too sure that vandalism was something to celebrate, but hey free food.

When I got home I played video games until sunrise and passed out, I must have been asleep for only a few hours when I was disturbed from my slumber.

"Nick" the voiced called out to me.

"go away Josh" I pulled the covers over my head, hoping I would be left to sleep.

"NICK!" the voice said louder, in annoyance I opened my eyes expecting to see my kid brother's donkey face, but instead I stared into the beautiful eyes of my best friend.

"GAH!" I sat upward, pulling the covers up to hide my chest.

"what are you covering yourself for? you act like I haven't seen your chest already"

"shut up, you scared me" Edgar rolled his eyes.

"hurry up and get dressed" Edgar walked over to my closet and pulled out a blue T shirt and tossed it at me.

"its not ten yet! why are you forcing me out of bed?" I asked him, Edgar was wearing red basketball shorts with a back muscle shirt, his blonde hair was a mess and he looked like he didn't sleep much, but he didn't look tired, but he did look hot.

"we're gonna play soccer" I put the shirt on and walked over to my dresser and got out a pair of socks and put them on along with my red running shoes. Edgar and I started making our way downstairs to leave.

"did you bring your car?" I asked him

"nope, we're biking to the park" I glared at him

"why would we bike when you can drive!"

"because I'm not lazy"

"Mijo?" my mom called, seconds later she walked out of the kitchen she was already wearing her scrubs, her long brown hair pulled up with a hair tie.

"Edgar!" she cheered and walked over to him to hug him.

"Hi mom" all of my friends call my mom, mom.

"come eat! i'm making eggs, and beans with chorizo, and some tortillas" mom dragged Edgar into the kitchen, not even greeting me, but I didn't blame her, everybody loves to be around Edgar, he's the golden boy every straight girl and gay guy dream of, blonde haired blue eyed boy, with good grades, football captain, varsity soccer, and lets not forget high manners and the positive vibe he gives off, personally I think my mom wants me to marry him just as bad as I want to, maybe even more.

I started to walk towards the kitchen when the door bell rang, my eyes glanced at the kitchen before going to answer the door. To my surprise it was Lois. She had cut her green hair jawline length, she had on a baseball cap backwards with a baseball glove in one hand and a ball in the other, she wore a baggy grey T shirt that looked like it could belong to khade, knee length kaki shorts, and worn out black and white converse.

"Is Josh here?" she asked me, as if on cue Josh walked down the stair in black nee length shorts and a Blink 182 band shirt.

"H-Hey Lois" he stuttered.

"Hey Josh" she smiled at him

"Josh? oh Hi Lois! you're so pretty oh my gosh! Josh don't be rude and invite her to eat breakfast" Lois looked very uncomfortable but still faked a smile which my mom didn't seem to notice as fake.

"Do you wanna eat?" he asked her

"yeah, I'm starved" Finally I went to go eat breakfast. Edgar was already sitting down and eating, using his tortilla to pick up his beans and eating it. I took my seat next to him; mom placed my plate in front of me along with a glass of orange juice.

Khade Hynkle Is Gay DRAFT VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now