Khade Hynkle Loves Jesus

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"Nick wake up" Josh whispered in my ear while shaking me harshly.

"go away Josh" I turned my body away from him and covered my head with my blankets.

"Nick!" He said more louder and shook me. With a sigh I threw the blankets off of me and stood up from my bed.

"What!" I glared at him and noticed something odd. The birds weren't chirping like every morning. The sun wasn't even up yet. Josh was wearing blue sweats and a long sleeved shirt with his schools logo and colors.

"Took you long enough" He grunted.

"What time is it?" my brother reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone to check the time.

"Its four AM" I felt my left eye twitch from anger.

"Why... would you wake up up at four AM during summer?!" I was tired, hungry, and angry.

"Is your brother up?" Moms voice called from the hallway. Why was she up too? I looked around my room and saw that a suitcase has been packed. Did somebody die? Was I being sent to live at a boarding school? did my mom get herself into trouble with he mafia and now we have to relocate and change our names? I've always wanted to be named Jovanni. Mom came into my room in her Pj's and hair up.

"Nick hurry up and get changed the bus will be here soon! brush your teeth too! I put a brand new toothbrush in your suitcase, make sure to throw it away when you get home"

"Bus for what?" I asked mom while she tossed me a pair of sweats and a shirt.

"Mom is sending up to summer camp until Tuesday"

"What? why?"

"Well at the cookout Helen and Philly were talking about a summer camp that Khade ad Lois were going to, and they were so kind and squeezed you two in last minute! the bus is coming around five and you'll be in the woods camping for five whole days!" What? this is so random.

"Go on mom, tell him the best part" From Joshs tone I could tell that the best part wasn't anything good.

"Its a church camp!" I held back a groan. Mom had been trying to get me and Josh into becoming pastors and loving god. She says that if we do then we'll find a lot of happiness and piece and we'll be able to live the rest of eternity and paradise and some other stuff. A gay Mexican pastor, could you imagine that?

"This is crazy! how can you send us so randomly?"

"It was an opportunity I had to take in the moment! I meant to tell you two but I totally forgot, but last night I woke up from my dream remembering that you have to be at camp at five so I packed your bags and woke you two up!" Josh and I weren't too happy about being sent to church camp without our approval but we had no choice but to go. A few minutes before 5AM mom told us all to go outside and wait for the bus. The Hynkles were in the front too. Khade was wearing grey sweats and a red T-shirt. Lois had on really baggy green sweats and a loose black long sleeved shirt an her hair tucked in a beanie. Khade and her both has their arms crossed and looked deep in a conversation. They didn't look too excited to be up early either.

"Hello" Josh greeted the Hynkle children. Khade yawned and Lois smiled slightly.

"Say cheese!" Helen, Khade's mom, snapped a photo of us on her camera. The flash blinded the four of us and irritated us even more than we already were. The parents were laughing and talking excitedly while the kids (us) just wanted to go back to sleep. Khade stayed silent and I was grateful, yet also disappointed. After the whole incident of him and I doing...stuff... we went back tot he backyard and hardly spoke to each other. There was an awkward tension between the two of us but I feel like i'm the only one who knows its there. He still talks to me like normal but when its time for me to speak I make everything awkward and weird. We waited a few more minutes when a large fancy white bus pulled up. I was a bit surprised since I was expecting a yellow school bus.

Khade Hynkle Is Gay DRAFT VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now