Khade Hynkle is Drunk

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The car led us to this venue called 'Spincers'. At first, Khade and I thought it was a club, but when we took a closer look we just found it was just a place people came to perform and hang out.

"They probably just come to hang," Khade said as he leaned his elbows against the bar counter. I was sitting on a bar stool right next to him. We've been keeping an eye out for our brothers but we found nothing.

"What's so great about this place anyway?" I asked skeptically while I eyed the place.

"The music pretty good" Khade pointed out.

"Literally stop lying, they're playing country music right now"

"Some people are into that"

"Well not me"

"Babe, are you okay? you're like really freaking out about this. What is this really about?" I bit my lip- and don't tell me its nothing because i know it's something" I laughed attempting to lighten the mood, but I failed.

"It's not anything to worry about" I tried to convince him.

"Nick. Tell me." Khade grabbed my chin gently so that I had to look at him. Our eyes met and I jerked my head away from his hold. My cheeks were burning and my heart was racing thrice its normal speed. Khade and I have been dating for four months now, but he still makes me shy sometimes.. ugh, he makes me sound like a love-struck protagonist, i'm disgusted. Anyways, I gave in and let it out.

"I feel like I'm a shit brother. Josh is sneaking out doing who knows what, and he's so closed off and always angry with me and mom. I feel like I'm losing him somehow.." Khade smacked me upside the head. I gasped and was about to yell but Khade quickly pulled me into a tight hug.

"You're a good brother! you have a lot of negative thoughts towards yourself, but if only you knew how great you really are. Josh is just going through puberty. He's going to get angry and be hormonal and distant from his family because thats what teenage boys do, and if it gets to a really bad point then talk to him."

"I kamph breef [I can't breathe]" I mumbled against his chest. He let go of me and smiled brightly. He let go of me, and as soon as he did I gasped deeply, finally able to breathe.

"Do you still feel cranky?"

"Yes, Oh by the way" I smacked him upside the head. He gasped and held his head in shock.

"I think you gave me a concussion!"

"I didn't even hit you that hard, ya dork"It's true! I'm not strong to begin with, but I still wouldn't hurt Khade.

"No, i'm pretty sure you gave me a concussion, but I'll forgive you if you squ-"

"Khade Hynkle I am not going to square dance with you"

"why nOT!"

"Maybe because somebody is on stage right now singing a cover of Taylor Swift" Khade sighed, and I knew I had won this battle.

"Okay, but if anyone covers I Want It That Way by The Backstreet Boys we have to break out in a sync dance- I know you know the choreography you fandork"

"Fandork? you mean Fanboy?"

"I know what I said-" Khade turned around so he was facing the bar table now. "-bartender, whats the fanciest drink I can get for 10 dollars? I didn't bring my wallet..." The bartender was pretty with short blonde hair. She was currently drying off some wine glasses.

"You can get five cups of pineapple express for 10 dollars. The cups are 20% alcohol though"

"We're underage" I ratted us out. The blonde shrugged her shoulders.


"I'll take five!" Khade slammed his money on the table.

"Are you stupid! if its 20% alcohol and you drink five of them, then you're going to have 100% of alcohol in your system and you're going to die!"

"Is that how that works?" Khade asked the bartender. She shrugged her shoulders.

"He's not getting five cups of alcohol. You can have two."



"Two and a half?"

"Fine." I reminded him as the bartender poured his drinks in front of Khade.

"I'll sober up before we leave" Khade pecked my cheek and started chugging his drinks. I probably should be questioning why they're giving drinks to minor without batting an eyelash, but thats not my business.

Khade didn't sober up. In fact, I feel like as time passed he only got more drunk. He had to lean on me because he couldn't keep his balance long enough to stand.

"Wowww you're sooo pretty! But not as pretty as my boyfriend, his names NIIckk" Khade slurred as kisses my cheeks.

"You loser, I AM your boyfriend!"

"That's the best news I've heard all night!!" Well, I guess I'm illegally driving tonight. I seriously need to get my license already.

It wasn't even midnight yet, but Khade was already wasted. It's a good thing there was no school tomorrow because I knew he would have gone with a hangover, and thats not good for anyone.

We were passing by a boy sitting on a bar chair, and when we passed in front of him he spits out his drink all over Khades shoes. I could tell that the boy felt really bad, but he was probably too drunk to really process the situation so he just sat there with wide eyes. His face was all red and flustered and he kind of looked my age.

"Dude what the fuck!" Khade yelled. I smiled at the boy trying to signal that it was okay and my boyfriend was just drunk.

"I think we should go home now." I'll have to drive, but I'm sure it'll be fine..

"Looook it's Josh and L!"

"WHAT" I snapped my head, and sure enough there our brothers were. They were sitting at a table near the back towards the exit. They were also with that boy I saw Josh with when they climbed up the ceiling vents.

"JOSHUA STONER!" I let go of Khade and storm over towards my brother. Khade lost his balance and fell as soon as I let go of him, but right now I have to put my stupid brother in place.

"Nick? why are you here?" He asked me.


"Oh my god, stop yelling, you're embarrassing me"

"Oh, I'm embarrassing you? well, you're gonna feel pretty fucking humiliated when I kick your ass in front of all these people!" I tried to grab him from across the table but he jerked his seat back.

"Don't touch me, ugly"

"Ugly?! I'm going to kick your-"

"Why did you leeeaaaveeee meeee?" My 6'2 boyfriend wrapped his arms and legs around my legs as a koala or sloth would to a tree. I looked down at him.

"Khade, where is your shirt?"



I can't remember if I tried to censor the cuss words, but yeah i'm not gonna because it feels weird.

Yeah, I have an essay due tomorrow that I havent even started, but I decided to update instead :)

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