Khade Hynkle is honest

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Things with Khade have been good- like really good. We've never really gotten into any fights, only petty disagreements. I'm not lying when I say he's the perfect boyfriend. So why am I so nervous? I've been standing in front of the front door of the Hynkle residence for who knows how long; nervously fidgeting with my fingers. Why was I so anxious? am I really this nervous to talk about my feelings? maybe I'm just overreacting and should just not mention anything at all. No, Nick! you voicing your feelings isn't overreacting. So, with a deep breathe I knocked on the door. It took a few moments for the door to be opened.

Lois- I mean Khades brother opened the door. His hair was dyed blue and under a red beanie. He wore baggy black sweat and a long-sleeved black shirt.

"H-hey.." I trailed off not knowing how to continue that sentence. Khades brother rolled his eyes at me.

"L," he told me what to call him. I smiled at him.

"Hey, L, is your brother home?" L sighed.

"He lives here, doesn't he? he's in his room." I sensed that L wasn't in the mood to chat so I quickly thanked him and made my way upstairs to my boyfriend's room. I reached his door and knocked two times before entering. Khade was sitting on a bean bag while scrolling through his phone. He looked up when he heard the door opened and smiled brightly at me.

"Hey, baby" He set his phone off to the side and spread his arms out wide open. I walked over to him and sat on his lap, curling into his chest.

"You're sounding better" His voice sounded a bit strained but other than that it seemed like he was almost healed.

"Yeah, my dad made me this medicine and it made me feel better quick" He informed me while squeezing me in a tight hug, "seeing you is making me feel a whole lot better too"

"We saw each other at school" I reminded him.

"Not for long though, you disappeared. Where'd you go off to anyways?"

"I went to take some things to the basement." and to get away from seeing you and Ally together. "There was a lot of things to take"

"You should have told me, I would have come and helped"

"It's fine, Damon and I managed"



"Oh.. okay" Khade and I fell in silence. Except it wasn't comfortable, unlike the other times. I began subconsciously biting my nails, a nasty habit I rarely do when I become too anxious.

"Hey, stop that." Khade pulled my hands away from my mouth. He laced our fingers together. Khades brown eyes looked into my blue ones, and he showed me the very smile that makes my knees weak. I felt my heart palpitate. I know I like Khade- but I didn't realize I liked him this much. Now I understand why seeing him with Ally makes me feel so sick. I'm so scared he's going to find someone else. I don't want Khade to be with anyone else but me. Is that selfish? I shifted so that I was now facing him, sitting on his lap still.

"We need to talk," I said while looking into his eyes. I saw his eyes flash with worry.

"A-Are you breaking up with me" I smacked him on the side of his head, making him groan from pain.

"No, you idiot!" I scolded. Khade was still rubbing his head but he sighed from relief.

"Thats a relief.. so what do you uh, want to talk about" I took a deep breath. I just gotta say it. No one knows I'm hurt unless I tell them.

"I like you a lot-"

"I like you too-"

"Let me finish!"

"Yes, sir!"

"I-I don't want to sound like an insecure boyfriend, so I repressed these thoughts and feelings back, b-but a relationship is nothing without communication. So this is me communicating. I know you've been friends with Ally for a long time, b-but seeing you and her together makes my stomach churn. I know I shouldn't care about you being friends with her b-because thats all she is- a friend! still.. I feel insecure.. so, I don't care if you're friends with her, but please don't be alone with her. I trust you, but I still.. I still feel insecure, I hate it" There, I said it. I still feel as if i didn't say everything I wanted to say, but I said the majority of it, and I felt better.

Khade brought one hand up to caress my cheek while the other hand pushed my head to meet his lips. We kissed. Not makeout, not a peck, just a long kiss with our lips pressed together.

"There's no reason to be insecure, shorty. I only have eyes for you." I sighed in relief. This went better than I expected.

"Y-You don't think I sounded whiny and possessive."

"You always sound whiny, and I like you possessive," he said in a matter of fact. I gasped and tried to get off of his, but he held me tight by wrapping his arm around me.

"What kind of boyfriend says that!?" I whined

"An honest boyfriend, shorty! I could never lie to you!" Khade pecked my cheeks multiple times.

"You hurt my feelings you jerk"

"If I blow you, will you feel better?"


"Fine, fine, I guess I'll let you blow me"

"You pervert!"

Khade Hynkle Is Gay DRAFT VERSIONDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora