Khade Hynkle is tense

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After the whole ordeal, Khade and I really never made up. Instead, we sat together in lunch. It was without a doubt; awkward. Nate and Jake sat across from me. Jake ate his noodles quietly while Nate obnoxiously sipped his juice box. Khade sat on my left. Usually, he was busy with student council or some other thing, but today he sat with me; any other day I would have been happy, but not today. I could tell Nate and Jake noticed the tension.

I was picking at my salad, while Khade scrolled through his phone. Yeah, sure, we've had arguments in the past, but this was different. Khade was acting weird, and he was hiding something; I didn't want to believe it- but I knew it.

Khade hasnt flirted with me or even touched me. To anyone, it might not seem like a big deal, but I was used to him showering me with compliments and validating me. What did I do wrong? how can I fix this? is it even my fault.

"So-" Jake started "-When does basketball start?" he asked.

"It starts Monday actually" Khade informed

I didn't know that.

Why didn't I know that?

Khade was right next to me, our thighs were touching, but it felt like he was a million BILLION miles away. I stabbed into my untouched salad. I haven't eaten since Khade and I fought at the animal shelter. I just didn't have an appetite. It was no big deal.

"Awesome, dude!" Jake cheered while Nate nodded in agreement. This made me realize that they had known Khade longer than me. They know more things about me. I shouldn't be jealous- but I just realized I don't really know much about Khade. Yes, he likes me, and yes he; is hot and perfect- but do I really know him?

"We got a new coach this year, which will definitely be different" Khade and I had sex less than two days ago, so why do I feel so far from him? shouldn't things be okay? I felt my chest tighten. Jake and Khade started talking about sports, but I felt sick' in my head' I wanted to vomit- and I didn't even know why,

"W-What happened to the other coach?" I managed to ask. It felt so hard to speak to Khade. My boyfriend didn't look at me, and his face fell.

"I don't know" He went back on his phone. The awkward tension back.

"I have to piss" I announced as I stood up from my seat, I didn't look at anyone and left the cafeteria.

I didn't look at anybody when I stormed off. I just knew I needed to leave the table. I roughly shoved the cafeteria doors open and scurried down the hall. My chest felt like it would collapse any second, and I had no idea what to do. It felt like somebody spit on my heart and stabbed it a billion times. My eyes spotted a restroom, and without thinking' I ran in.

I didn't expect to see Edgar washing his hands. He looked up at me, and the memories I was blocking suddenly came into light.

The time he taught me how to ride a skate board

The time he taught me how to cook eggs- because despite my mom trying to teach me; I always zoned out.

The time we entered the science fair; and made a hover board in fourth grade- only to be disqualified the day the showing because we weren't allowed to make a hover board' and NOBODY told us.

When I helped him clean the broken shards of mirror when his Grandma got too drunk and tore his room apart.

when Edgar didn't know how to react to his parent's divorce.

It all hit me.

"Are you okay, Nick?" He asked worried. I hadn't even realized how much we had became distant. Why did we grow apart? why does it feel like at one point, everyone will leave me?

"Y-Yeah, I'm good" I smiled weakly. Edgar rolled his eyes.

"That's a lie. Tell me what's wrong" I bit my lip. He's my best friend, I should be able to confide in him, right?

"K-Khade has been acting weird.." I admitted out loud.


"He seems more distant, and is keeping secrets- except I don't know what kind of secrets.."

"Maybe he's stressed?" Edgar suggested, making me tilt my head to the side in confusion.

"Stressed? how?" Edgar shrugged.

"Well he's Vice President of the student council, he has a job, in multiple clubs, is about to graduate, and basketball season is starting up, maybe he's just feeling over whelmed?" I felt myself ease up at Edgars words.

"Yeah, that makes sense" Of course! here I was being a self centered idiot. Not everything is about you, Nick! I haven't truly considered the stress and pressure Khade is under. Me being an insecure boyfriend isn't helping the situation at all.

"Thank you Eddy" I breathed out a sigh of relief "- oh and we have to hang out soon!" My best friend smiled widely.

"I'd like that. Message me when you're free, yeah?" He said.

"Okay, what days are you available?" I asked him, making him chuckle.

"I'm always available for you, Nicky" He flicked my forehead and walked around me. I heard the restroom door shut. I felt so thankful for Edgar. He always knew how to take my insecurities away. Just like when I wanted to go to Comic Con as Han Solo but was too nervous because I didn't exactly fit the role of Han Solo. I was too short, and lanky; obviously since I was 14. Edgar, though, told me that it didn't matter if I looked ideal to Han, because all that mattered is I had fun. Edgar even went to Comic Con with me to ease my nerves; he wore his spider man halloween costume for the halloween prior. It was because of him that I went to my first ever Comic Con and got an autograph from Harrison Ford himself!

I'll be sure to thank Edgar a billion times for everything later, but for now, I need to figure out my relationship. I think I should take him out on a date. We could go to the movies, or the arcade, and then eat at his favorite restaurant- which I need to ask him for.. After Basketball season starts, Khade and I won't spend as much time together like we used to, so we should at least make the remainder of the week a good one!

I didn't see Khade again until the end of the school day. He was walking down the hall, his back turned to me. I smiled, feeling my chest warm up. I jogged down the hallway- skillfully twisting around people and passing them in the halls.

"Hey, babe!" I touched his arm to get his attention. Khade jerked his arm back and looked at me with wide eyes. After a few seconds he slightly relaxed.

"Hey Nick" he forced a smile. I ignored this.

"Sooo, I know you're probably stressed right now because of school, and sports, and student council; I propose I take you out on a date today! we could see a movie- or go to the arcade-"

"I can't." he interrupted me. The smile I wore on my face turned into a frown, and I felt my hope crashing.

"O-oh.. why?" I asked.

"I have to go to a meeting with the student council about graduation and winter formal." Graduation was still a whole semester away, and it's still fall. Why couldn't he just skip one meeting?

"Ah.. okay, babe, maybe next time?"

"Sure- I gotta go, bye" He smiled and went to touch me but changed his mind and walked in the opposite direction he was originally going.

Khade Hynkle Is Gay DRAFT VERSIONHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin