Khade Hynkle can't cum

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"Are you okay?" I asked Khade. He was standing in front of his mirror while holding up a damp paper towel to his busted lip.

"You didn't have to hit me" he whined.

"You suddenly took off your shirt and started making out with me! How was I supposed to react?" I defended myself while crossing my arms. Basically after Khade started making out with me it was all a bit fuzzy until I felt hand go under my shirt, then I punched him in the mouth, it busted his lip but my punch wasn't the strongest either so there was no serious damage.

"I don't know, maybe um, by making out with me too!" I squinted my eyes at him.

"Did you seriously expect me to go along with that?"

"kind of yeah"

"I'm not cheap!" I kicked him in the shin. Khade winced and rubbed where I kicked him.

"Damn you're violent. Thats hot" my face went red.

"What the hell are you talking about! Did Josh pay you to do this!" I went to punch him but he went under my punch and placed a kiss on my lips. I stumbled back and landed on the ground.

"You're confusing me!" I crawled back until I hit the wall. Khade chuckled and threw himself on his bed. At least put on a shirt you fucking psycho!

"Sorry, I lost control" he chuckled and winked at me. I stood up and ran for the door, but Khade stuck his leg out and tripped me.


"Oh sorry dude, I did it without thinking!" He stood up and tried to help me up but I smacked his hands away and lifted myself up. Khade didn't look embarrassed, In fact he just looked shy.

"I'm sorry Nick, I couldn't control myself. can... Can we just talk?" He sounded sincere and desperate. I wanted to kick him in the throat but I was curious to what he had to say.

"Okay, then speak, but you have to sit on the floor." I took a seat on the bed. Khade smiled widely and sat down on the floor right in front of me, it made me feel a little awkward so I motioned him to scoot back a little, and he did.

"I don't know where to start" he rubbed the back of his neck.

"You should probably start with you thinking you're gay"

"Oh, well yeah I think I'm gay" I rolled my eyes. I really want to strangle him!

"You're stupid! I don't have to listen to this! Especially after you molested me!"

"It's your fault I'm feeling like this so the least you can do is listen!" I lifted a brow.

"How is it my fault!" His face went calm and he looked up at the ceiling with a dazed look.

"Ever since I met you I can't cum to anything but you"

"Bye Khade!" I stood up and the idiot wrapped himself around my legs.


"Get off!"

"Just listen to me! This is making me scared!" I sighed. If Khade really is feeling like this then I could understand him feeling scared, and confused. I've been in his place at one point and he's been really kind to me- not counting the last thirty minutes.

"Okay, I'll listen, but this is your last chance!"

Khade let go of my legs and motioned me to sit on his bed. He looked really nervous.

"Okay, So Khade, lets start from the beginning" he nodded and took a deep breath.

"After the bon fire I couldn't stop thinking about you, i just wondered what our were up to and stuff like that, I didn't think it was a big deal but..." he looked away. His face was red.

Khade Hynkle Is Gay DRAFT VERSIONDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora