Khade Hynkle Wants to Eat My ***!

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"Still falling asleep in class?" I turned around and saw a familiar pair of dark green eyes. My mood got even worse.

"That's none of your business" I was really convinced my seventh hour teacher Mrs Batz had it out for me. This time she gave me library punishment because I yawned during class.

"You probably know the library so well, mind telling me where I can find Virginia Woolf?" I sighed on frustration and stepped aside and jestured to the shelves in front of me.

"Right here"

"You're so helpful" He gave me a lazy smile, I had to hold back a scoff. I went back to putting up books, this time more rushed.

"I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my list" Damon suddenly said aloud. I glanced at him and went back to organizing. He smacked his tongue. "I thought that Virginia Woolf wrote that quote, but I guess I was wrong."

"It was Susan Sontag" I only told him in hopes he would leave.

"Wow, you're so smart" He walked over to the cart I was organizing and picked up the book on top of the pile. He flipped through the pages with no intent on reading it. I reached over and grabbed the book from his hand and shot him a glare.

"No. I just had to write a paper on that same quote." I decided to finished this section later and pushed the cart away from him. The jerk decided to follow me. I looked for the librarian in hopes that she would tell Damon to stop bothering me but she was no where.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but it feels like you don't like me"

"You're 100% spot on. Please leave." I tried to walk away again but he held me back by my shoulder.

"Listen Nick, I know what I did was totally wrong, I'm really sorry"

"No worries Demon- I mean Damon" he laughed.

"Demon? That's original"

"Is that sarcasm?"

"Defiantly not, did it sound that way?"

"It defiantly did. Are we done here?" I tried to leave again but was once again stopped.

"Definantly not"

"Okay, just get on with what you came to say because I sure as hell know you're not looking for a book by Susan Sontag" I crossed my arms and motioned him to get on with the show.

"How do you do it?"

"Do what?"

"You know... with Khade?"

"Oh my god!" I balled up my fist ready to punch his pretty face.

"No! That's not what I meant! I mean... well you two are gay right?.. how are you so... comfortable with it?" I raised a brow.

"Why are you asking? You gay too?" His pale skin flushed red. I felt my eyes widen. "Oh my god, you're gay?!"

"Yes! Okay yes I am.. I'm really sorry how I acted the other day, and I really have no right to be asking you for anything but it's just..."

"Just what?"

"I want you to teach me to be confident with my sexuality"

"Uh Listen Damon-"

"I don't expect you to agree or anything but just consider it, yeah? I gotta go, see you later Nick!" He patted my shoulders and rushed out. I stood still for a few seconds trying to process what happened. None of it made sense. I'm not even gonna try to make sense of it either.

I looked back to the cart and saw I had only a few books left, so on record speed I put them up, and I might have been lazy about it and shoved them in random spot but if they have a problem they can talk to Mrs Batz. What are they gonna do? Give me library duty again?

My reward for half assing my unreasonable punishment for yawning was my boyfriend waiting for me outside of the library. Khade wore dark denim jeans and a green stripped sweater with medium length sleeves.

"First of all, you're hot, second of all, what's up" I walked up to him. He smiled at me and took my hand and wrapped our fingers together.

"I heard you got library duty again and decided to come get you"

"That's kind of you?"

"You say that as if I'm never kind to you!" He faked being offended.

"You're actually the rudest jerk in school" I did my best to hide my smirk.

"Excuse you! Who was the one who bandaged your cut yesterday"

"I don't recall"

"Nick, if you don't shut up I'm gonna eat your ass" was that supposed to be an insult?

"Did your manga show you how to do that or are you gonna guess?"

"Jokes on you, when you talk back to me I get turned on" I didn't have a comeback for that, but thankfully Nate and Jake interrupted out roast (?) Session.

"Khade! Nick!" Nate waved at us. Jake was following behind the energetic Nate who literally ran towards us.

"Hi guys, what's up?" I greeted.

"Not much, we were just heading out of the drama meeting- oh my god you're joining right?!" They still haven't gave up on this?

"Ehh I don't know.." I trailed off.

"Weren't you in drama last year, Khade?" Jake asked.

"I was." My boyfriend said proudly.

"Then why not join again?" He asked.

"Hmm, I guess I didn't really think about it. I was basically dragged into it by Ally last year" Oh she's in drama club? Well I defiantly won't be joining then.

"Its your last year! Be involved!" Nate almost yelled.

"I do kind of miss acting, I wasn't good but it was fun" Khade smiled softly.

"What the hell do you mean? You're a great actor!" I smacked his shoulder. Last year our school did the musical of Grease and Khade was the lead male (now that I recall, Ally was female lead. Grrr.) And he was totally awesome!

"Sure I'll do it, it might be a little difficult when basketball season starts though" My boyfriend decided.

"Awesome! I'll put your name down." Jake smiled triumphly.

"Here's a calender of all our meetings and shows and stuff of the sort" Nate handed over a blue flyer to Khade. The thought of him and Ally being in the same club together without ME makes me sick.

"I'm joining too!" I snatched the paper from Khades hand and wrapped our elbows together.

"That is so awesome!" Nate clapped.

"You guys joined just in time. Next Friday we're going to a thespian convention. I'll message you the details later, Nate and I still have to work on our valcano" Nate and Jake said their goodbyes and went in a different direction.

"I'm still eating your ass by the way" Khade mumbled.

"Oh my God!"

Khade Hynkle Is Gay DRAFT VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now