Khade Hynkle and The Truth pt 3 (Edgar)

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Edgar had been in line at chic-fil-a when he received a call from an unknown number. He looked at the caller ID in confusion and was going to ignore as usual, he figured it was probably just a scammer or something; but something compelled the blonde to answer the call.


"Edgar?" It was Nick, and he sounded upset.

"H-hey, what's up? whos phone are you calling from?"

"a payphone" Edgar frowned from confusion.

"Why are you calling from a payphone?"

"It's a long story.. c-can you just pick me up?" and without hesitation, Edgar got out of line, and sped off to pick up Nick.

The two now sat in Edgar's room. It had felt like forever since Nick has been in here. The room was tidy, except for the bed. its galaxy covers and pillows were all messily jumbled up on the mattress. Nick had explained the events of today to his best friend. Edgar listened. The blonde mostly felt annoyed. Khade and Damon had made Nick even more insecure than he already was. Edgars best friend sat on the bed playing with his hands.

"None of it is your fault, you know that right?" Edgar asked.

"Sure.." The blonde sighed and scooted closer to his best friend.

"I'm serious Nick."

"I-It's not even a big deal, there are more problems in the world than my boyfriend lying to me and a so-called friend out for my failure since who knows when. I'm just whiny and needy." Edgar wanted to slap some sense into Nick.

"Yeah, there are worse problems, Yeah, people are dying, and galaxies are being sucked into black holes, but that doesn't make your feelings any less valid! you need to stop belittling your feelings. Stop convincing yourself that your feelings are no big deal. Stop hiding your feelings, it will only hurt you! it'll hurt you like it did me!" Edgar hadn't meant to say the last part. The blonde shut his mouth and looked away from his best friend.

"What do you mean by that?"


"Didn't you just tell me to not hide what I feel!? Edgar, I've known you since before I could ride a bike. Tell me." Edgar sighed. Telling his feelings wouldn't change anything. Nick had a boyfriend already, and he didn't want to be like Damon and plan to ruin his friends. Edgar figured this wouldn't change anything, but does anything even need to change?


He spoke.


"I like you, like like you."

Edgar didn't start gaining feelings for Nick until after his confession on Halloween. Truthfully, Edgar had never looked at Nick romantically, and he never thought he would, but as time passed, he found himself thinking more about Nick. At first, he would just wonder what you boy saw in him, and then it got to wondering what he was doing when the two weren't together.

Edgar then started imagining a future with Nick. He imagined them going off to college together and living together in a dorm or apartment. They could each have their own cactus because they both knew that they suck at keeping things alive.

Then, Edgar started thinking of other things..

He imagined kissing Nick- not just on the lips, but everywhere. He imagined hugging his best friend in a totally homo way. Holding hands, and even sex. He imagined all that, and he really wanted it. So why didn't he just tell Nick he liked him?

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