Khade Hynkle Is the VP

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"You're gonna leave me!" My mom cried hysterically on the couch while holding a picture of me to her chest. She walked in on Josh and I talking about my plans for college and moving out.

"Mom, I still have like a year left before I leave" I tried to calm her down.

"So you are leaving!" she cried even harder "My baby is leaving me!"

"You'll still have me and Alfie" Josh tried to cheer her up. Mom stopped crying for a second and looked at Josh and Alfie for a few seconds before she burst into tears once again.

"Why didn't you cry this much when Noah left?" I asked her about my older brother. He's studying to be a doctor, and when he left she didn't cry this hard.

"Because I expected him to leave! I thought you would be dependant on me foreeever!"

"Mom, don't you want me to move out and start my own life out of state? Isn't it great that I'm going to be out in the world on my own, and you not knowing where I'm at ninety percent of the time? doesn't that sound nice?"

"No, it doesn't!" She threw my picture across the room. I heard it shatter and I had to force myself not to yell.

"Way to go, Nick, first you make our mom cry and now there's glass all over the living room because of you. Are you happy?" Josh glared at me. Mom went to the kitchen and came back with a bottle of wine in her hands. My eyes wandered to the window and I saw Khade outside getting into his jeep.

"Ah, I forgot mom, I have to go do something with Khade, bye!" I ran out the door.

"Don't leave us!" Josh begged. I jogged to Khades car and threw myself into the front seat.

"My family is insane, please don't make me go back," I said as soon as I shut the door. Khade laughed.

"I'm gonna go run an errand, you can tag along," He said while pulling out of his driveway

"You're a lifesaver! thank you!" If he wasn't driving I would have given him a hug. Khade was really so nice. He didn't look at me like I'm weird or even hesitate to let me come with him. He really is such a good-

"Plus, you're hot so it'll be fun looking at you." I rolled my eyes. I swear he changes personalities faster than anyone I've ever met. Well, if he's gonna flirt with me, then this might be a good chance to work on my flirting as well, you know since I've never flirted with a boy in my life. I've been too busy being in love with Edgar to even try with other boys.

"You're well" ahh that was lame. I'm so lame.

"You confuse" We stopped at a red light.

"How?" I asked

"Well, one second I wanna tear off all your clothes and make you moan my name, but then you do cute things that make me wanna pinch your cheeks." He sighed dramatically as if it was really bothersome for him.

"When do I do cute things" I glared. I'm a 17-year-old boy, I don't want to be called cute!

"Well, at first when you wouldn't let me kiss you or do anything to you, you would fight me and your face would be all red, your eyes would be in a daze, and you were a stuttering mess. I thought it was really cute that I could make you like that" I huffed.

"I don't see how that's cute in the slightest. The lights green." I crossed my arms and looked out the window hoping Khade wouldn't see the embarrassment on my face.

"That's okay. As long as I think it was cute, then it's cute" My heart felt like it was being squeezed. Probably because no other guy has ever complimented me and flirted with me like Khade has. I looked over at him. His hands gripped the bottom of the steering wheel, and he leaned his head back a little bit. He was chewing gum, and with every chew, his jawline flexed. I don't know why I found this hot, but I did. I'm weird. Khade Hynkle is making me think weird things.

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