Khade Hynkle Is Scared

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Okay, so I plan on telling Khade I like him today. It's not gonna be big or anything, I'm just inviting him over. Maybe play video games after we have a drink of blue koolaod, and then BAM! i'll tell him.

"Hey Khade! no, no that's sounds too excited.. ehm.. oH Khade whats up, didn't see you there. No that's even weirder" I was standing in front of my mirror practicing what I was going to say. Mom was working, as usual, Josh was supposed to be in his room but his door is locked so that means he snuck out, and Noah and Alfie went somewhere. This was the perfect chance.

"Khade, I think- no, I know I like you.. I like you... Oh by the way! I like you!" I was testing out different approaches.


ACK! Is he here already? well, it's not surprising. Khade is early all the time. Well, I guess my confession is going to have to be improvised a bit. I know all I have to say is "I like you" but I don't know I don't want to sound lame and basic.



Edgar and I stared at each other. I was feeling a mix of confusion and anger. I haven't spoken to him since the party- actually I haven't really thought about him either. I knew he would try speaking to me at some point but I didn't think he'd show up at my front door. Freaking nut job!

"Are you going to say anything?" I raised a brow.

"Um Hi"

"Bye Edgar" I tried closing the door but he shoved his foot in the door way to stop it from shutting. I tried shutting the door on him but he was too strong.

"Can we talk?!" He begged.

"Today is not a good day!" I tried harder to shut the door. I even put my weight into it but it didn't help at all.

"Then when is?"

"The Monday after never!"

"Please!" I glanced at the click hanging above the door. Khade was supposed to be here really soon and I want to avoid all three of us being around each other.

"Edgar I don't want to talk to you!" After a few more seconds he suddenly stepped away from the door. When he did I was still pressing my full body weight on the door, so when he stepped away I fell into the door slamming it shut and lost my balance and fell on the ground as well.

I sat against the door for a few seconds processing what just happened. Edgar showing up out of no where was totally normal before we got in a fight, but now it's just crazy. The one thing that wasn't normal was him begging to speak to me. A few months ago I'd be jumping and doing flips at the idea of Edgar trying so hard to speak to me, but that feeling is gone now.

Ding dong!

I stood up and swung the door open ready to yell "GO HOME!" Since I was expecting Edgar again, but thank God I didn't because it was Khade instead. He had on dark blue jeans and a black T shirt with his hair flat. Hnnnnng he's so beautiful.

"H-hey Khade" I leaned on the door frame trying to look cool and flicked my head so it looked like I was flipping my hair, but I realized too late that my hair isn't very long so I felt stupid and went back to a natural pose of putting my hands behind my back and smiling awkwardly.

"Hello" He smiled widely at me. I stood in awe for a few seconds. Have I ever said that I feel like the luckiest person ever when he smiles at me? Ugh I sound like a lovesick teenage girl.. or boy I mean..

"Come on in, I made blue koolaid" I wiggled my eyebrows.

"Blue koolaid? What's the occasion?" I grabbed his hand and led him to the kitchen.

Khade Hynkle Is Gay DRAFT VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now