Khade Hynkle and The Truth pt 2 (Damon)

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Although Damon acts cold towards his sister, he actually loves her to death. Contrary to belief, the two were quite close. They were twins after all. Damon listened to every problem and worry his sister had, and when Khade Hynkle broke his heart, he wanted revenge. Teryn didn't feel the same way though. She just wanted time to fix her broken heart, which to this day, is still healing. The oldest of the twins decided to take matters into his own hands.

The first time he came into contact with Nick, was the first day of school. Nick ran into Damon. Damon remembered feeling disgusted; his sister was way prettier than Nick.

Damon had a plan though. He was going to break Khade Hynkles heart by getting Nick to fall in love with him, but after their meeting in the library, it was obvious that Nick wasn't going to fall head over heels for anyone other than Khade, so Damon decided to take matters into a different perspective. He decided to befriend Nick, gain his trust, and ruin Khade and his relationship. He lied about being gay (although he is bisexual) and he really had no interest in becoming comfortable with his sexuality, he had planned to become close to Nick and gain his trust, and then he would make up lies about Khade. Except, Damon never did. The time he saw Ally and Khade in public were all true. The more time he spent with Nick; made Damon realize that his bad intentions were unfair. Nick hadn't done anything to anyone, and didn't deserve to be in the crossfire. The two had became genuine friends, and Damon no longer wanted to lie and scheme, but he still hated Khade. Even more now than before.


Nick was unsure of how he completely felt, but he knew he felt betrayed to some extant. When he first met Damon, the boy had wanted only for him and his boyfriends downfall. He lied about being gay and wanting to be comortable with his sexuality- that made Nick feel sick. Nick remembered he himself struggling with his sexuality. He would throw up becuase he had to hide himself from his family. When family came over and asked if Chevelle or Gemma was his girlfriend he felt guilty because he wanted Edgar to his boyfriend, rather than the pretty girls.

The two might have not been the exact closest, but hell, Nick still considered Damon a good friend. He introduced me to Brad Klenj, helped me multiple times after getting hurt, and even prevented me from getting hurt, he helped me when it wasnt necessary, he would come into the library all the time just to keep Nick company for a while because he knew how much Nick hated being alone in the library, he even spent over thirty dollars to get me a yoda plushie! but Nick didn't know if he could trust Damon? how much of that was genuine?

"T-thank you for telling me all this.. I'm going to go home"

"I'll drive you-"

"Thats fine,I'll call a friend to pick me up!" Nick stood up from my seat and rushed out. He ran out of the large mansion and ran down the street. When he was far enough from the house he patted his pockets.

"Shit!" He groaned. He remembered that his phone was at home. Just great. His best bet was to find a payphone, or walk home. He decided to walk home and keep an eye out for a payphone on the way. Besides, a walk could be good for him.

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