He Cheats (Part 1)

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     Your on your way home from a long day of work. You have been in the car for about 20 minutes and your close to home. Your so ready to get hope so you can finally see Jack after a long day of work.
       You get home and you get your key out to go in but then the door was opened in front of you. Jack was hugging someone goodbye... A girl... You had no clue who it was. " Can I see you again?" Asked the mysterious girl... At that moment I had dropped my purse and was to in shock to say anything. Jack noticed and you could see the fear and sadness in his eyes... You were heart broken. "(y/n) please wait! I can explain everything!! Please don't go!" Jack says but he was too late. "Why should I stay? There clearly isn't a point anymore!" You said as you started to run. Jack kicked the girl out and started running and screaming after you... He was too late. You quickly ran out of his sight as he stopped.
      You had no clue where you were going to go. Then you remembered that Mark was in Ireland for a convention and you knew where his hotel was so you ran there as fast as you could. When you got there you knocked on his door. He opened and seen your face a crying red mess. " What's wrong?" Mark says with a very worried face. "J-Jack h-he cheated" you said as you broke down and hugged him and cried in his shoulder. He brought you in and sat you down and talked to you. Mark knowing that Jack was probably looking for her, he snuck a text to Jack saying you were with him and to come. You and Mark talked for about an hour about this. " I'm just s-so hurt Mark, I loved him and I still do but he doesn't even love me... I can't even think of Jack with someone else." You say. "I know (y/n), I'm sorry" Mark says. Jut then there was a knock at the door...

     (A/N. Cliffhanger! There will be another part soon!! Thanks for reading!)

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