Bully's (Part 2)

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    Mark walked you to the office while you were still crying. "Hello Mark. Can I do for you too?" The lady at the front desk said. Then she looked at you and back up at Mark and she nodded. Mark mouthed the works thank you to her and she smiled softly. He walked you out of the office and he put his arm around your waist and carried your bookbag for you.
    "Mark I can carry my own bag you know." You said not bothering to move his arm because it didn't bother you. "Just please let me carry it." Mark said looking down at you. You just booked and kept walking. "Do you want to come to me place?" Mark asked. "Sure." You said nervously. He just smiled and looked back to where he was going.
Mark POV
    She said yes. She is going to come to my house. I'm so excited.  She is so beautiful. She got so hurt today. I feel so bad for her. It's my fault. I helped my teacher clean up. If I didn't do that I could have saved her jacket.
     I think today will be the day. I think I'm gonna ask her. To be my girlfriend. I hope she says yes. She deserves to be happy. She is perfect in every way, but how in the world am I going to ask her?"
   Your POV
     'Mark is really quiet. I wonder why? I'm sure it's nothing. He is amazing. I wonder why a guy like him would save a girl like me and ask her to his house. It's so weird. He is just doing it to be nice probably.' You thought to yourself. Just then Mark stops you . "This is it." Mark said facing towards this nice house. "Is amazing." I said out of awe. Mark looked down at me and smiled but I couldn't keep my eyes off the house. It was so much bigger than mine. Mark pulled me to the house. He opened the door. "Lady's first." He said and smiled at me. I smiled and walked in. His house, it was, just, Wow. It was so clean and it had beautiful furniture.
"Hello? Earth to (Y/N)?" Mark said as he snapped his fingers. "Oh. Sorry. It's just this hose is amazing! It's so nice. It's so much better than mine!" I said but quickly stopped talking because that's the most I've said to him. "Thank you." She laughed slightly and said. I just smiled and blushed. "Please take a seat." He said to me. I nodded and went and sat on his couch. He came and sat next to me. He looked at me and laughed slightly to himself and shook his head. "What?" I said. I was really nervous. Was something wrong? "Nothing." He said and smiled at me and patted my leg.
"Do you want to talk about them?" He said. I suddenly just had this rush of emotion run over me and I just started to tear up. I never looked at him. I just stared at the ground and a tear fell from my eye and landed on my leg just barely missing his hand. I could feel him looking at me. Suddenly to arms just wrapped around me and pulled me close. I just cried. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry." Mark said. "It's okay. I'm just glad someone actually cared enough to ask." I said. "If you want to talk about anything I'll listen." Mark said still hold on to me. We stayed silent for a minute or two. "It's been happening for 7 months." I just blurted out. "7 months? Have you told anyone?" Mark asked and turned me to him so he could look at me even though I didn't look back. "No." I said almost at a whisper. "Why?" Mark said quietly. "Because Mark. They told me so many things. They said no one cared. They said I was worthless. They said no one even cared enough to notice I even existed. They said I was ugly. They said I was nothing." I cried out in anger and sadness. Mark just pulled me to him. He hugged me and just let me cry. "Your not worthless. Your not nothing. I noticed you everyday and you are most definitely not ugly. Don't let them get in your head because they are just jealous." Mark said. That made me smile. "Thank you Mark." I said. "Any day." Mark said. I scooted away from his a little bit.
"Want to watch a movie?" Mark asked. "Yea!" I said. I have to admit o felt way more comfortable around him now. "Okay! You can pick and I will order a pizza." Mark said and I smiled and nodded. He out Netflix on and handed me the remote while he ordered the pizza. I picked out (your favorite movie) and paused it to wait on Mark. "Pizza will be here in about 15 minutes." Mark said and sat down next to me. "Okay." I said and smiled. I played the movie and handed him the remote.
~Time Skip~
The pizza came and we both ate some. He put both of our plates away and sat back down next to me. Then he put his arm around me and I laid my head on his shoulder. This was the night of my dreams. I was really confused though. Did Mark like me? I don't know.
~Another Time Skip~
The movie ended. "So (Y/N). Wanna go to the carnival?" He asked me. "Oh my gosh yes! I forgot that was in town! Let's stop by my house and I can get changed and grab some money!" I said. "We can by your place so you can get changed but I am paying for you. No ifs, ands, or buts about it." Mark said pulling on his shoes and grabbing his wallet and keys. "Fine" I said. He opened my car door for me and I got in and buckled up and he ran over to his side and got it. I pointed out directions to my house and he stopped in front and parked. "I'll wait here for you." Mark said. "Noooo. I want you to come in! You let me in your place so I want you to come in mine." I said practically begging him. "Fine." He said and smiled at me when I smiled. I opened the door and let him in first.
"I know it's not much but I don't have the money for a big house and nice furniture." I said as I shut the door. "No. I like it here! It's cozy!" Mark said looking around. "Why thank you." I said as I ran upstairs to get changed. I picked out a plain pink shirt and some high waisted shorts and I decided to put my hair in a pony tail. "Perfect" I whispered to myself.
Mark's POV
She is so beautiful. I'm so happy she opened up to me. Her house is nice. I'm glad she agreed to go to the carnival with me. I have a plan that I hope will work out. Just them she hopped down the stairs. She was so pretty. I was so stunned. She was just flat out perfect. She grabbed a water bottle out of her fridge and skipped over to me.
Your POV
"You ready?" I asked Mark. He nodded. "Then let's go!" I practically pushed him out of the door. We both jumped in the car and he turned on the radio. "Sunday Candy" came on by HAZE. I sang along. Mark would look over at me every once in a awhile and smile. "What?" I asked. Just before he could answer "Wild Things" by Alessia Cara came on. "I LOVE THIS SONG!" I screamed and started to sing along Mark just laughed.
"Find me where the wild things are. Oh ya ya ya. Oh ya ya ya. Oh ya ya ya. Find me where the wild things are. Oh ya ya ya. Oh ya ya ya. Find me where the wild things are."
"That was beautiful." Mark said. "Thanks." I said and blushed. Then we pulled in. There we screams of in the distance of people on rides and laughter. This was going to be so fun.
Mark bought or tickets and the first thing he wanted to to was the Ferris wheel. I don't know why but I agreed anyway. We got on and he put his arm around me. "(Y/N)?" He said. "Yea?" I asked. "I have a question for you." Mark said as he looked me in the eyes. "What's on your mind?" I smiled at him even though inside I was dying. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He spoke softly as he grabbed my hands. I was in complete shock. This was the best thing ever. The guy I like asking me out as we were on a Ferris Wheel together. I just looked at him in shock and nodded. He smiled and pulled me in to hug him. When we got off we had the best night of our life's. The best part was when we were on our way home and he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. "I love you so much (Y/N)." He said. "I love you too Mark." I said in return.

A/N: Wow! I loved writing this one! Someone asked me if I could turn this into a book and I could update that one too. Do you guys want that? I could of you want me too! It's up to you guys! Comment below!

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