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You were a growing YouTuber. You had about 7,000,000 subscribers. You were best friends with Mark and Jack. Both of them talked to you daily. You always did videos with them. They were so nice to you. All three of you hung out together at Pax Prime. They were constantly asking you if you needed anything or wanted anything. They were always so nice. You lived in (place name) but they didn't care. They made it there goal to talk to you everyday. To make sure you were happy. Honestly, you weren't. Your mother had just recently passed and you haven't told anyone. Not even Mark or Jack. Also you weren't very happy with, you.
Next weekend was the time that Mark invited you and Jack over just to have a fun weekend away. You couldn't wait, but you were also scared they would see something was going on. They were already suspicious because of your lack of videos. Who knows. Anything could happen.
~Time Skip to this Weekend~
You just arrived in L.A. You got off the plane and texted Mark and Jack in a group message. Jack was already with Mark for a day before you came because you couldn't get a plane ticket. They were both waiting for you at the airport.
You walked out of the exit and into the lobby looking for Mark and Jack. Then you seen vibrant green hair and fire red hair. It had to be them. "Mark! Jack!" You called. They both turned fast and their faces brightened. They both ran over to you and gave you a bear hug. "Woah boys. You almost crushed me." You said laughing. They laughed too and said sorry at the same time. They both grabbed one of your bags since you had two. They both offered to sit on the back with you and the other drive but they couldn't agree. "Both of you just sit in the front and I'll sit back here. I'll be fine. I'm a big girl ya know." I said the last sentence in the most Irish accent I could. They both shuddered at my voice. Hmm. They both like me do they? Wow. I like them both too but I could never choose. It's heartbreaking. They are both so kind. I jumped in the backseat when the boys got in the front. Mark drove since it was his car. Jack turned up the radio. "Sunday Candy" by HAZE came on and I couldn't help but sing along. I never really liked my singing so I sang quiet. I loved this song.
"Wow." Both boys said in unison when the song ended. It broke me from the thoughts. "What?" I asked. "Your singing. Wow." Mark said. You immediately blush and look out the window. "Sorry. I didn't know I was singing loud." I apologized. "No. Don't be sorry. Your amazing." Jack said. "Thanks." You said not turning your gaze off the window and your frowned a little with all of the thoughts on your head. You seen Jack look back at you out of the corner of your eye and tap on Marks shoulder. Mark moved his rear view mirror so he could see you in it. Then he moved it back and they didn't say anything. I was thinking about my mom. She would always tell me how pretty I was and help me feel confident. After she was gone. No one ever told me anything. I would look at myself in the mirror and point out all of my flaws. I don't like me anymore
I didn't even know I was here until Jack opened the door for me and Mark was carrying in my luggage. Jack had a worried look on his face. I just got out and Thanked him and went inside. I followed Mark to my room. "I'm going to change since I'm in comfy clothes. I would like to look more decent." I said putting the suitcase on the bed. "You look fine. You don't have to change but if you want to that's fine." He said and gave me a smile. I smiled back as he left and closed the door. When he closed it I grabbed clothes and changed. Then I was just about to go out and I felt this rush of memories of my mom pass through my head. I started to cry. I just sat on my bed with my head in my hands. I missed her. She was my key to happiness. I love her so much. I wiped up my tears the best I could and I was walking to the door. "I love you mom. Miss you." I whispered and opened the door.
The boys were sitting on the couch downstairs. They didn't hear me but I heard them say my name and I had to listen. "Something is wrong with her Mark. I can't tell but I know there is something." Jack said. "I know. I noticed it before she changed. She looks sad. I want to ask her about it but I don't want her sad. I would hate to see her sad." Mark said. "I know. Me too." Jack said and then they got silent. I walked out as happy as I could and sat between them.
"Hi guys!" I said happily. "Hi (Y/N)." They said at the same time. They both were looking at me worried. "What?" I said. They both turned to me. "Um (Y/N)? Were you crying?" Mark said. That's when I wanted to break. "No." I simply said looking at the ground holding back the tears. "(Y/N)." Jack said. That broke me. A tear slid down my face and hit the couch. "What's wrong?" Mark said rubbing my back. Jack laid his hand on top of mine. I leaned back against the couch and put my hands on my face and started to cry. "Guys. I'm glad you care but I don't think I can talk about it." I said moving my hands to wipe my tears away so I could look at them. "(Y/N), something is clearly wrong." Mark said. "Please talk to us." Jack said. They were both looking at me. They were so interested in every word I had to say. "I wish I could boys. I just... Can't." I said and ran to my room and closed the door and locked it. "(Y/N)!" Mark and Jack yelled at the same time after me. They both were banging on the door. I didn't let them in. I was to hurt. Memories were just flooding in. "We are sorry. We didn't know it would hurt you this much." Mark said through the door. "Please open up (Y/N)." Jack said. They stopped banging on the door and were just standing there. I got up and walked to the door. I unlocked it and walked back to my bed and laid down. They opened the door and walked in slowly. I was still crying. They sat down on both sides of me. "If you don't want to talk about it. It's okay." Mark said rubbing my arm. "We aren't going to make you." Jack said rubbing my other arm. "Thank you guys, but I really do need to talk about it, so better now then never." I said and sat up a little. "We are all ears." Jack said. "Okay. So about 2 months ago, my mother passed away. She was the only one that made me feel confident. She is the only one who helped me like me. Now that she is gone, I feel like nothing and I miss her so much." I said sobbing. They both were hugging me. My breathing was shaky and I was shaking. "I'm so sorry for your loss." Mark said. "Me too. You shouldn't have to go through this alone." Jack said. "Thank you guys." I said. "We aren't done." Mark said. "(Y/N). You are beautiful. You don't need makeup to hide anything." Jack said. That made me smile. "Your perfect no matter what. There isn't one thing I would change about you." Mark was quick to speak after. I smiled again. Then frowned. "What is it?" Mark said. "Well. You guys might see that in me, but I don't." I said wrapping my arms around my stomach. "Well we will do everything we can to help you see what we see." Jack said and they both hugged me again. Let's just say my feelings for them both were overflowing. "I'm sure you know we both have feeling for you (Y/N)." Mark said which shook me out of my thoughts. "We both already talked to each other and we agreed that if you were to choose one of us than the other one would accept." Jack said. "Well, I like you both because don't get me wrong you both are amazing. I just don't know I would pick." I said. "Take all the time you need. We won't rush anything." Jack said. "Thank you." I said.
"No problem. We are going to a party tonight and if you wanted to know if you want to come?" Mark said. "Sure! What time is it?" I asked. "It's in two hours." Jack answers. "Okay. I'll start getting ready. Thank you guys for talking to me." I said getting up. They both got up and said your welcome and hugged me and left. What in the world am I going to do.
~Time skip until before the party~
I jumped in the back and Mark and Jack were in the front. Let's just say I was scared. "Hey (Y/N)?" Mark said. "Yea?" I responded. "Did we forget to tell you this was a karaoke party?" Mark said hesitantly. "What?! I can't sing! Especially in front of a crowd!" I yelled. Not angrily. "Yea you can sing! Im sure you will do great." Jack said. "Okay. Thanks." I said. Now I was officially scared out of my mind.
We arrived at the party. We had some fun at first and then it was time. They called me up. I went up and grabbed the microphone shyly. They started the music. Of course. It was " Love me like you do" by Ellie Goulding. It started and I was scared. Then I seen Jack and Mark smiling at me. I started singing. I got adjusted and sang my heart out.
Love me like you do L L love me like you do.
Love me like you do L L love me like you do.
Touch me like you do T T touch me like you do.
What are waiting for? Ahh. I'll let you set the pace cause I'm not thinking straight. My heads spinning around I can't see clear no more... WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!
(Love me like you do L L Love me like you do.)
Like you do.
(Love me like you do L L Love me like you do.)
(Touch me like you do T T Touch me like you do.)
What are for? Ahhh.
The song ended. Everyone stood. Clapping. Some people were even crying. "Thank you." I said and handed the microphone back and walked to Mark and Jack. They both hugged me when I got there. "You were amazing." Mark said. "That was beautiful." Jack said. "Thank you guys." I said and sat down.
~Time skip until after the party~
We just got home. I did like both of them. They both liked me. I was scared to talk about it. "Hey guys. I have something to say." I blurted out. Why did I do that. They both came and sat on either side of me on the couch. "I think I know who I like more." I spoke rather quickly. What was I saying? I did know who I liked more. Both of them tensed up. "Before I tell you I want you both to promise me you won't just vanish. I want both of you to stay friends and I want to stay friends with both of you. I want to still play with you guys. I want to be able to count on both of you in my time of need. Okay?" I said. "I promise." They both said at the same time. "Okay. Good. Well, I like..."

A/N: Don't be mad! Who should you choose? If there are enough people I might do both endings and maybe a third ;). So comment who you should choose!!

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