First Fight (Part 1)

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It's was just a normal day for you. You had woke up at about 10 this morning. It was a Saturday. Normally Jack would be with you because Saturday he takes an editing break and has more time with you. But you realized he hasn't been spending time with you as much as he could...
It was now 11 and you had finished breakfast for you and Jack. He came out and hugged you tight from behind. "Hi there. How's my beautiful girlfriend doing today?" He asked you. "Good" I said. " Hey, what's up? Are you okay?" He asked. You figured he would ask that after how you answered him. " I'm... Fine. Just fine" you say softly... "No your not. What's wrong?" Jack asked even softer than you. "Well... You seem to spend all of your time working, you don't spend that much time with me anymore. I've been feeling pushed to the side lately." You say hoping he wouldn't be mad. "(Y/n), you know that people count on me every day for videos and I have to make sure they get those." He says. You start to feel a sadness and anger in your heart. "So are they more important than me now? You just put me aside until you have free time! You probably love them more then me!" You say on the verge of tears. "What if I do!?" He said. That 4 words just broke you.
       You had tears streaming down your face at this point. "Fine! I'll leave you alone then!" After you said that you ran upstairs and locked yourself in the bathroom. You could here Jack running behind. " Please (y/n)! Come out! I didn't mean it!" He says. You were already curled up in a ball of the floor crying as Jack was trying to pick the lock.

(A/N. I'll make another part to this! I like making imagines with different parts! I'll see you in they next part!)
       ~ Kaylee

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