Dark... Why...

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Mark's POV
     Today was me and (Y/N)'s second year anniversary of us dating. We both decided to stay home and just have an us day. The only bad thing is, I've been having this weird feeling inside. I feel my chest tingle every so often, but it's getting stronger. I get very bad headaches or my chest feels like death. (Y/N) has been really worried about me and she wants me to go to the doctor. I have refused to go because I know exactly what's happening. It's dark trying to take over. I'm just praying it won't happen today.
Your POV
     Mark rubbed my arm ever so slightly as my eyes fluttered open. He stood there, with a tray of pancakes and bacon with a glass of milk. I sat up and he sat it on my lap. "Happy anniversary baby." He said and kissed my forehead. "Thank you Mark. Happy anniversary." I said as blush blazed on my cheeks. "I'm going to make sure that my videos for today are on schedule and then the rest of the day will just be you and me." He said with a smile and left the room. I began to eat my food as I waited for Mark to return.
     It wasn't long before Mark returned. He took the tray off my lap because I was finished and sat it on the dresser. He got back in the bed  and I cuddled up to him. "What do you wanna do first Markimoo?" I asked. "I'm gonna let you decide that cutie." He said as he gently traced circles on my back. "Wanna go play Overwatch and eat pizza?" I said looking up at his face. "You are literally the best girlfriend ever." He said with an award winning smile. I blushed and thanked him as we got up.
     Mark set up the game and I ordered the pizza. Once I was finished, I grabbed a couple cups from the cabinet and poured us both a cup of milk and grabbed a box of cookies and went into the room with Mark. He had both computers loaded up with the game and he was spinning around in his chair. Once he seen me he stopped spinning and got up, but sat back down after almost 5 seconds because he almost fell over. I laughed and sat down the glasses of milk and the box of cookies.
    We had just started playing with the door bell rang so we both left the game and I jumped up to get the pizza. Mark handed me the money and I went to the door to get it. I opened the door and there was a tall man with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. He handed me the pizza and I gave him the money. Just before I closed the door he gave me a note and then walked back to his car. I sat the pizza down on the counter and read it. 'Be careful' the note read. I shrugged it off and went back to the room with Mark.
    I opened the door and seen Mark leaning on his desk with his elbows and his hands in his hair with tears falling down his face. I sat the pizza on the desk and ran to him. "Mark what's wrong?" I said with worry in my voice. "(Y/N). Please know that whatever happens to me, I will come back and I do love you. No matter what I will never stop loving you. Please don't leave me." He stuttered out. "Mark what's goi-" I got cut off as Mark started to breathe super heavy and he gripped his hair tighter until he just stopped. I was shaking from all the fear taking over me. "Mark?" I whispered. He let out a low growl and looked up at me. I gasped as I seen his eyes. The once chocolate brown eyes I loved turned into black orbs that would stare into my soul. When he smiled this evil smirk, you could see his freshly grown fangs shine as he let out a low chuckle.
I began to back up slowly trying to get away from this creature that took over Mark. He noticed my movements and got up from the chair and began to walk towards me. I shook my head and began to run but before I got more than 1 foot away I was held back. I started to scream before his hand covered my mouth. "I'll uncover your mouth as soon as you promise me you won't make one sound." His low voice growled in my ear. I nodded slowly and he chuckled again. He slowly began to move his hand away from my mouth, letting his claws brush lightly over my mouth and cheek. I was scared out of my mind. Why did this happen to Mark...

(A/N: Well here it is in all its glory I guess! I tried my best! It took me a lot of time. I'll do a part 2 if you guys want. I hope you like it!)

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