First Fight (Part 2)

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   (A/N. Part 2! There you go!!)

     You could hear Jack trying as hard as he could to pick the lock. But time after time... He failed... So you could hear him slide against the door. "Hey, I know you can hear me... Please (y/n), open the door." He says... Your heart breaks but you are scared. " No." You say trying to not let him hear you crying. It's not working. "Okay, well I know your crying and I want to talk to you. So I'm going to sit outside this door until your ready to talk. I promise I'm not going anywhere." Jack says as soft as you have ever heard him talk.
It was about 20 minutes later when you opened the door. Sure enough, he was sitting right there. He got up to hug you but you backed up. "Why are you backing up?" He started tearing up at that point. "I-I just can't... Y-You yelled at me. You didn't seemed like you loved me..." You say sobbing wiping your eyes with your sleeve. "But I-" you cut him off. " We can talk in the morning Jack. Just go back to editing your stupid videos and come to be when your ready I guess." You say walking past him and going to your room and shut the door.
(Time skip to next morning)
You woke up that morning. You turned over thinking Jack was going to be there. He wasn't. You got up and walked around the house yelling for Jack. You couldn't find him... "He must be editing still" you thought to yourself. You opened the door. He wasn't there. You got really scared. Did he leave you? Was he gone for good? You went to the kitchen. You found a note on the counter. You opened it. It read,
I'm okay.
(A/N. Part 3 tomorrow!!! Love you guys lots!!)

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