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This week was prom week. Of course, I haven't been asked. I have been talking to this guy named Jack but he is popular and I'm not. I'm sure he is just pitying me. I'm not expecting to get asked and honestly, I don't care. There was also this stupid pep rally at school today.
Jacks POV
"I can't do it." I said. "Yes you can! You'll be fine!" My buddy said. "What if she says no?" I asked while pacing back and forth. "It will be fine Jack. I promise." He said and patted me on the back as we entered the last class of the day before the pep rally.
Your POV
   I entered my last class of the day. Jack was in this class with me. I didn't sit right next to him but I say close by. Every once in a while, I would look up and see him looking at me or playing with his pencil. He looked nervous.
    As the bell rang to signal us to leave class, Jack was the first one out. I wanted to catch up to him. I called his name a few times but he was already out of sight by the students flooding into the hallways. I sighed to myself knowing I had no one to sit with. I walked myself down to the gym and tried to find a spot by myself. I sat down and there was not many people around me. I was next to a wall so I leaned on it as the pep rally began. The band was playing and the cheerleaders were doing a cheer as the students came out.
     The pep rally was boring to me. Some random students played games, the cheer team did a routine, and a bunch of other stuff I didn't mind. Then everyone went silent as the principal came out to the middle of the gym. "Before we all leave we have one more announcement to make." He spoke boldly. This caught my attention. The band began to play soft music and the principal left the center of the floor. Then Jack began to walk across the gym floor. I bet he was going to ask another girl. I knew it would never work. As he got to the middle of the gym he grabbed a microphone and opened the sign. He also had a boutique of flowers. The sign read 'Mickey needs Minnie & Tiger needs Pooh and I need to go to Prom with you.' "(Y/N) (L/N), Will you go to prom with me?" Jack spoke. I was shocked. What was I supposed to do? Of course I was going to say yes. The nervousness on his face grew more and more the longer I waited. Just then a rush of excitement went through me. I jumped up from my spot and ran down the stairs on the bleachers. Jack spotted me and smiled. I ran up to him and hugged him. He dropped the poster and held the flowers on one hand and hugged me with the other. "What do you say?" He asked. I just nodded into his chest. I heard his heartbeat slow down. "She said yes!" He yelled into the microphone. I could hear everyone around me cheer. They were clapping and whistling but all I could think about was Jack. I broke the hug and he handed me the flowers and picked up the poster. I was crying happy tears as Jack took my hand and walked me out of the gym. 
    "Thank you." He said to me as we were walking home hand in hand. "Don't thank me. I should thank you." I said. He laughed and nodded, squeezing my hand tightly as he swung our arms back and forth. We talked about colors for my dress and his tie. When we reached the part that we had to go our separate ways. We hugged and I took the poster and flowers. As I began to walk home all I could think about was Prom with Jack.
~One week later~
It was Saturday, Prom day. It was 30 minutes before it was time to go. Jack would text me every once in a while just a cute message saying he can't wait or I bet you look beautiful. Everyone he sent made me smile and get more excited. I had a (F/C) dress with ruffles. My (H/C) hair was done beautifully. My shoes were shimmering as I sat down carefully on my couch waiting for Jack. My mom had already taken pictures of me and she would take pictures of me and Jack when he got here. I was so excited.
     There was a knock a the door. My heart skipped a beat. I stood up and carefully walked across the floor to the door. I opened the door. Jack was looking down at his feet until I opened the door. When he looked at me, he smiled a bright smile and looked at me with shiny white eyes. Jack gave me my corsage and stepped in. My mother took pictures of us then she lets Jack take pictures of me and her. She finally let Jack and I leave. Jack escorted me out to his car. He opened the car door for me and I stepped in. He came to his side and got in also. Me and Jack wasn't into eating before the dance so be we just went straight there.
     Jack pulled into our school parking lot and finding a parking spot. He jumped out and quickly hurried to my side and opened my door. I stepped out. He took my hand as we walked up to the doors of our school. I waved at some of my friends as we walked in and Jack did the same. We finally reached the door. "Ready Beautiful?" He asked, looking at me with those gorgeous eyes. "Of course." I said with a smile. He opened the door for me and we stepped in.

(Sooooo, Part 2?)

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