My Little Secret

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Mark was recording. I was sitting on the couch reading. The sad part is, I just finished the book. I wanted to read, but I didn't know what. I didn't want to read a super long book and I didn't want to read a super short one. I thought for a while until an idea popped into my head... What about FanFiction? I thought as a small smile crept into my face. Mark always told me not to read it because it's a scary world in there but now is the time.
I grabbed my phone and went to the App Store. I searched 'reading apps'. The first on the list was an app called Wattpad. I clicked on it and read the description. It seemed pretty good, so I clicked download. I waited about 30 seconds for the app to appear on my phone. Once it was there, I tapped on the app. It took me through a few instructions and information, then, I was all set.
I turned to make sure Mark was still in his room, and luckily, he was. My then turned my attention back to my phone as I clicked the search button. I typed in 'Markiplier FanFiction'. I clicked enter and it loaded for a couple seconds until tons and tons of results came up. My eyes became wide and my mouth hung open. I clicked the reading lists part and seen there was lists that were full of them. I tapped the one that had over 100 books. I looked through and found some that looked good. Some were imagines and same were actual story's. I put them in my library. Once I was done, I had around 25 different books and a few imagines books. I decided to start with a book.
I picked out the most interesting and began to read. After about 10 chapters, I heard the door to Marks recording room open. I quickly exited the app and got on Twitter. "Hey babe." Mark came behind me and wrapped his arms around me and laid his head gently on top of mine. "What are you doing?" "Just going through Twitter. Did you finish up what you had to do?" "Yup. Now I have the rest of the day off." Mark said and he let go and came around the couch and sat next to me, pulling me over next to him. Little did he know that just a few minutes before, I was entering the world of FanFiction.
~1 month later~
After only one month of having this app, I have read and finished over 100 books, but today, I decided it's time to make my own. I decided to do imagines because my brain isn't that well about bringing on long topics. Plus I had the idea of just writing about things that Mark and I have actually experienced. I'll just put '(y/n)'.
I named my book, got a cover, write the description, and I have already wrote 5 chapters. I decided to upload the first tonight and try to do one every once in a while. I kept this little secret away from Mark. What he didn't know wouldn't bother him right? I'd be pretty embarrassed if he found out I did this. I'm mean, I'm dating the man! Anyway, I uploaded my first chapter just as Mark came in the room with me.
~1 month later~
I have 17 chapters up already. My book has 4.2k reads. It's pretty cool if you ask me. I enjoy seeing everyone so happy. It's a really nice community. I really enjoy it! No one knows it's the actual me on here. I used an old nick name of mine.
Mark's POV
(Y/N) has been acting suspicious lately. Whenever I come into the room she always changes something on her phone and hides it. God I hope she isn't cheating on me. I love her so much. It would absolutely crush me. She isn't leaving the house all the time. We are always together. I just don't know what's going on. I need to talk to her about it. I can't keep knowing something is going on.
Your POV
I was sitting on the couch, writing in my book, when I heard Mark start to come. I quickly changed to Twitter. "(Y/N). Can we talk?" Mark asked, sitting down next to me. My heart started to beat against my chest as Mark grabbed my hand gently. "(Y/N). Are we doing okay?" He asked. I seen his eyes begin to gloss over. "Of course Mark. Why?" I asked as I felt tears begin to swell in my eyes. "Are you sure? I've been having the feeling that you found someone else." Mark said as his big brown eyes stared into mine, full sadness and fear. "Mark. I could never. Your the one I love. I love you more than anything. Why do you ask?" I said and I grabbed his other hand. "You have been hiding your phone from me. I just feel like your texting someone else. (Y/N). I can't lose you. Please." He begged, tears stinging his eyes. "Mark. I'm not cheating on you. I could never cheat on you. I love you so much Mark." I said as I laughed slightly and hugged him. "Then why are you hiding something?" He questioned. "Well... I... Um..." I stuttered. "You do know you can tell me anything right?" Mark says and he rubs the side of my arms with a reassuring smile. "I'd rather be you just look." I said handing him my phone. He looked at me and looked at my phone. I had Wattpad open and on my profile.
     He scrolled a little until his eyes became wide and a small grin appeared on his face. "Let me explain." I begged. "You write and read FanFiction about me?" He began to laugh. "I ran out of books and I just wanted to read and I found that and I just wanted to see so I read a few and after a while I decided that I wanted to do one about our actual real life stuff and-" I was cut off by Mark kissing me. "It's okay." He smiled. I laughed a little. "I honestly think it's kinda cute." Mark said as he pulled me closer. "I guess." I said quietly. "Don't worry. Your not the only one who has had there fair share of reading FanFiction." Mark said. I jumped up. "You have read FanFiction!?" I said excitedly. "Well I was kinda bored and I was reading it about you and me." He said with a smile. I snuggled up next to him again. "Awwwwwww." I blushed. "I love you (Y/N)." "I love you too Markimoo."

(A/N: Guys! 50K? Thank you absolutely so much! It's amazing! I remember when I was excited about getting 1k! Now 50k? I'm so happy! Thank you all som much for taking time to read my book! It really means a lot! I love all of you! Again, thank you so much! I will see all of you next chapter. Byeeee!)

Markiplier & Jacksepticeye ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now