My Whole Life

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"Mom! Please don't make me go!" You yell. "Hunny. Kindergarten is going to be fun!" My mom tells me as she drops me off to my teacher. "Bye (Y/N). Be good!" My mom called out to me. "Bye Mommy!" I yelled back waving. "Hello (Y/N)! You can play with the other kids until school starts." My teacher told me as she took my bookbag. I nodded and began to look around. There was a group of kids playing with toys and there was some kids drawing on the board. Then I seen a boy sitting at his desk with a couple dandelions. I went over to him and sat at the desk next to him. "Hi. My name is (Y/N)." I said shyly. "My name is Mark." He said. "Wanna be friends?" I asked. "Sure!" He hugged me. "Here." He handed me a flower. "What's this for?" I asked looking at the flower. "My daddy always brought my mommy flowers and told her she deserves something as pretty as her. I though you were pretty so I gave you a flower." He said and smiled.
~ 5 years later~
I was in the fifth grade. Mark was in my class. We were best friends. We sat together at lunch. We then went out to recess. Mark was playing basketball with his friends. I was sitting on the swings watching. Then two boys came up to me. "Hey girl. Your shirt is ugly." One told me. "Yea so are those shoes. Where did you get them? The trash?" The other one said. They both laughed at that comment. I began to cry. They were pulling the swing that I was sitting on yelling stuff at me. All of the sudden, it stops. By now I'm sitting on the ground crying into my hands. "Leave her alone." I hear Mark say. The two boys walked off. He sat down in front of me. "Are you alright?" He asked. "I am now." I responded and wiped my tears with my sleeves and Mark smiled. We stayed silent until I stopped my tears. "Thank you." I said sending him a smile. "Any day."
~5 more years later~
It was the beginning of my sophomore year. Me and Mark was still best friends. Sometimes I wish we were more than friends. Me and Mark would always hang out. Mark started to get involved with band and I was getting involved with choir. It was one day after school that I went over to his house that was the most embarrassing night of my life. We were sitting on his couch. We were playing a game of twenty questions. "Do you like anyone?" Mark asked me. "Yea." I said thinking of Mark. "Oh my gosh! I am ending this game right here and I'm going to pry this out of you." He said. "But Mark." I said nervously. "No buts! Now tell me, do I know him?" Mark asked me with a smile. "Yes." I said never making eye contact. "Great. Does he play a sport?" He asked. "If you count Band a sport." I said. "Oh my gosh! I might know him! Tell me." He said begging. "Mark I-" he cut me off. "Please!" He said. "Fine. Mark I like you." I said letting the words roll of my tongue. I finally made eye contact with him. "(Y/N). We are beat friends and I don't want to put that in jeopardy." He said. That sentence crushed my heart. "Ha! I got you!" I laughed. "Oh my gosh. You scared me (Y/N)." Mark laughed. I did like Mark. I just didn't want things to get awkward. We both sat back against the couch and watched Tv. Marks words replayed over and over in my head. I began to tear up. I wiped my eye with my hand. "Are you crying?" Mark asked. He noticed. "Uh, No, but I think I'm going to go now. I said standing up and putting my bookbag on my back. "No, (Y/N). Wait!" Mark called out for me. He was too late. I slammed the door and began running to my house.
~8 more years later~
Me and Mark were still close. We talked all of the time. Mark being a big YouTuber and all made it hard for us to hang out, but today, Mark invited me over to his house. I was really exited to see him again. Grabbed my phone and purse and hurried out the door.
Once I reached his house, I grabbed my purse and phone and walked up to the door. I straightened my shirt and took a deep breath. Then I knocked. When he opened the door he immediately pulled me in his embrace. "I missed you!" He said still in hugged me tight. "I missed you too!" I said back. When he let go he guided me in the house. I took off my shoes and Mark walked me around showing me his house. After he finished he sat me on the couch and he took a spot next to me. "I have something to tell you." He said. "Alright. Go ahead." I said. "Remember that day back in tenth grade? When we were playing twenty questions at my house." He asked . "Yea." I said shyly. "Well I made a big mistake. I knew you liked me. I was such a jerk to you and I regret it. I like you (Y/N). Will you be my Girliplier?" He asked me. I was in shock. I nodded slowly. He smiled and hugged me. "I have something to show you." I said getting up and walking to my purse. I grabbed out the rectangular box and went to the couch and sat back down next to him. I opened it and took it out. "You still have the flower I gave you in kindergarten?" He asked gently taking it out of my hands. "Well of course. You were so sweet and how could I not keep it." I said. "This is amazing." He said gently placing it back in the box and putting it to side. Then he kissed me. This moment was the one I have been waiting for, for eighteen years.

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