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"Oh (Y/N)!" Mark yells from down stairs. Mark is my boyfriend. We have been dating for 1 month. "Yes?" I yell back. No response. "Mark?" I yell again. Still no response. I got up and looked out the hallway. No Mark. I started to walk slowly to his spiral stairs. "Mark? Where are you? Your scaring me." I yelled once again. Silence. I started walking down the steps. I reached the bottom and took two steps forward. "BOO!" Mark screams in my ear. I scream to the top of my lungs and run to the couch and jump on it. Curling up into a ball and covering my face. Mark was dying laughing. Now it was my turn.
I began to fake cry but I made it sound real. Marks laugh died down. "(Y/N)? Did I really scare you that bad? I'm sorry. I won't do it again." Mark said walking over to me and sitting down. He was reaching for a hug. "BOO!" I screamed in his face. He jumped back and screamed like a girl. "What was that! Are you a five year old girl now?" I said bursting into laughter. "Hahaha. Very funny. I guess I deserved that." Mark said beginning to laugh with me. "I love you." He said pulling me over to him. "I love you too." I said laying my head on his shoulder as he put his arm around me.
"I have a question." I said turning to him. "Anything hunny." He spoke. "When are we going to tell your fans about us?" I mumbled. I knew Mark didn't want to tell them because he knew I would get hate and he wanted to make sure I can handle it. "What was that? Speak up a little sweetheart." He said grabbing my hand. "When are we going to tell your fans about us?" I said louder than I expected. He facial expression turned shocked. "(Y/N). You know I would love to scream to the world that your mine. I love you so much. I just don't want you getting upset." He said. I nodded. "We will tell them soon enough okay?" He said smoothly. I just nodded again. I was kinda bummed. I want people to know about us.
"Aw (Y/N). How about I take you to the mall? Would that make you happy?" He said. "Really?" I said and looked up at him and smiled brightly. "Anything for you." He said cupping my face and kissing my forehead. "Thank you Markimoo." I said jumping up and went to get ready. Mark chuckled and followed.
"Ready?" Mark said getting into the car. "Yea!" I said. We sang to all of the songs we knew that came on the radio. We finally got there. Mark found a parking spot and we both jumped out of the car. "Race ya!" I yelled starting to run to the door. Then I heard marks footsteps get faster and closer. He ran past me! "I win!" He yelled. He did a little dance when I finally get there. We then went inside and looked at a few stores. I was trying on some outfits and Mark would wait for me so he could see them. I found this really cute dress. I was in love. I opened the door and showed Mark. He stood up and walked over to me. "That is stunning." He said and kissed me. We ended up buying the dress.
      We were all done at the mall. We were getting in the car. Mark took out his phone because it kept vibrating. "Oh my god." He whispered. "What?" I said. "Jack messaged me. Asking who the girl I was kissing a was. I told him I didn't know what he is talking about. He said look at your notifications." He said looking at me. I felt hurt. Was the girl me? Was it someone else? "Well look at it!" I said. Mark tapped a few times and his face went completely pale. "What Mark?" I said worried. He handed me his phone. It was a picture of me and him kissing. It was after I showed him the dress. "Mark. I'm sor-" Mark cut me off. "You don't need to be sorry. We need to go home and make a video on this right now so no one freaks out." Mark said starting to drive. I then got on my phone. I was looking at all of his mentions. The picture was everywhere. The hate was overflowing. I didn't think it was going to be like this.
      We got home and rushed inside. We went to Marks recording room. "I don't want to be in it." I said. "Why?" He asked. "Ummm, I just don't wanna. I'll sit on the floor over here." I said and sat down. He smiled and nodded his head. He set up the camera and began.
   "Hello everybody. My name is Markiplier and today is something a little different. As most of you have seen the picture of me kissing a girl. Well that girl is right over there actually. Say hello (Y/N)." Mark said. "Hey guys." I shouted from the floor. "Well if you haven't figured it out yet, I have a girlfriend. Her name is (Y/N) (L/N). We were going to tell everyone soon but I guess the media beat us to it. Well I guess that's pretty much it for this vlog so I will see you, I'm the next video. Bye Bye!" He said waiving to the camera and turning it off. He then edited a couple things and posted it on his channel. Even though he already posted two videos today.
     "Are you going to be okay?" Mark asked me, sitting next to me on the floor. "As long as I'm with you. I'll always be okay." I said laying my head in his shoulder. He put his arm around me and pulled me close to him. I knew that life was getting so much better from here.

(A/N: Thank you for 6K!)

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