Prom? (Part 2)

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We stood there, taking in our surroundings. There were people dancing on the dance floor, there was people eating at the snack table, and there was just some couples sitting a tables and talking. Me and Jack looked at each other and smiled. He took my hand as we began to walk towards the dance floor. There were songs playing and Jack began to dance. I was a little shy and just did a little sway. "Oh come on. It's just me. You have nothing to be embarrassed about." He said grabbing my hands and moving them around to make me dance. "I'm not scared to dance in front of you Jack. I said harshly and pulled my hands away. Jack then got got really concerned. "I'm scared to dance in front of everyone else. I don't want to be made fun of for how stupid I look." I said beginning to sway again. "Hey. Don't think about how others look at you. That's stupid. I don't care what you dance like. I just care that your dancing with me, so please don't worry about everyone else and just dance with me." He said holding onto my shoulders. I nodded as a smile crept on to my face. Jack also smiled brightly at me.
     The song 'Shut up and dance with me' came on and me and Jack danced our hearts out. His beautiful Irish laugh rang in my ears. We danced a whole bunch of silly and crazy moves with each other. He would spin my around of he would pick me up and spin me. I don't care just as long as I got to dance with him. This was becoming the best night of my life.
     Just then a slow song come on. "May I have this dance?" Jack asked while sticking his hand out to me. I blushed and nodded. He pulled me close as we began to sway to the song. I leaned my head on his chest and put my arms around his neck. Jack wrapped his arms around my waist and sat his chin on the top of my head. "I'm so glad I'm here with you (Y/N)." Jack said to me. "Me too." I said. "How did I get so lucky to get a girlfriend as perfect as you?" He asked. I blushed and shook me head against his chest. I could here his heartbeat. I loved the sound. I would listen to his heart over any song in the world. I lifted my head up and looking into his beautiful blue eyes. "I love you." He said. "I love you too." I said and smiled. We never broke eye contact. Jack just looked me. We began to lean in. Then, he kissed me. I swear fireworks went off.
     We broke apart and looked into each other's eyes and smiled. That was our first kiss and it couldn't have been any more perfect. I eventually giggled and laid my head on his chest again. I felt him chuckle. This moment was so perfect, but all perfect things come to an end.
    "Hey Jack. Wanna leave and come back to my place." Jack's friend Chris said. "No thanks." Jack simply said. "Oh come on. No one is having any fun. We could play video games at my place and it would be way better than this stupid dance." Chris said. Jack then let go of me and turned to Chris. I knew things were to good to be true.
      "Beat it bud. I'm here with (Y/N) and I'm having an amazing time thank you very much. So scram." Jack said flatly. I was shocked and so was Chris. Chris shook his head and walked off. Jack watched him leave then he turned to me with a smile. "Thank you." I said shyly. "I came here to have a good time with you. No one is going to mess that up." Jack and and embraced me with a big hug as another fast paced song came on. "Oh yea! This is my Jam!" Jack said happily and grabbed my hand. He pulled me to the center of the crowd. He began to do some crazy and weird dance. I laughed and copied his moves. I didn't care what anyone thought about me know. I could tell Jack didn't care and he wanted to be here with me and me only.
      When the night was coming to an end Jack walked me out to his car. We both got in and Jack just looked at me. "What?" I laughed. "Thank you for making this the best night of my life." He said and grabbed my hand. "No, Thank you for everything. Now drive ya doof." I said. Jack laughed and shook his head and started the car.
      We pulled up in my driveway. Jack walked me up to my door and knocked. My mom answered with a warm smile. I hugged Jack and he kissed my cheek. I walked in and waved to Jack as I shut the door. This was the best night of my life.

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