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     "Um (Y/N)? Can we talk for a minute." Jack had said. He just finished recording a video. He was walking into the living room where you were sitting reading a book. "Yea sure! What's up Hun?" You said acting happy, but you know what happens when someone says 'Can we talk'.
    " Well, we have been dating for a year now, and don't get me wrong, it was great and all, but, I just don't think it is working out anymore. I'm sorry." Jack said. He never made eye contact with you. He just looked at the floor the whole time. "Seriously? Are you wanting me to really leave? If that's what you want then fine. I'll go stay with Mark until he flies back home!" You said going and getting your phone charger and headphones and putting your shoes on. You grabbed your keys and started to walk to the door then Jack grabbed your arm. "(Y/N)! It was just a prank! I promise! Please stay!" Jack said letting you go. "Sure it was Jack." You said slamming the door behind you and walking to your car.
     "Please don't go! It was just a joke! I love you!" Jack said running to your car. You rolled down your window just enough to for him to hear you talk. "Bye Jack. Me and Mark will be back later to pick up my stuff. See you then." You said rolling the window back up and pulling away. You giggled to yourself. "This is what he gets for pulling a prank on me. He better never do this again or I will leave for real next time." You said pulling into the hotel parking lot that Mark was staying at. You grabbed your stuff and went to the elevator.
    You knocked on his door and he opened it almost instantly. "Hey (Y/N). What's up?" He said motioning his arm for you to come in. You sat your stuff down on his counter and walking over to the bed and sitting down. "Jack pulled a prank on me and pretended to break up with me so I went along with it and left and said we would be over to pick up my stuff later. This is a prank and a way to see if he is really loyal to me." Just then Jack texted you.
(Y/N). Please don't leave me. When you come back later, if you even do, I'm not going to let you leave. I'm going to prove that I love you and I want you in my life.
    "Perfect" you muttered showing Mark the text. "Oh this will show him. How about we go pick up something to eat and by then it will be about 7 and I think that would be a good time to go back." Mark said. "Sure! Let's go!" You said grabbing all of your things and walking out with Mark.
~Time skip to after dinner~
     "Are you ready to do this?" Mark said. "Of course. Remember the plan?" You say. "Yup" Mark says as you guys pull in to the drive way. You get out of the car. Jack runs out the door and over to you. He is running to hug you but when he gets close you move over to the side and he hits the car. "I already told you Jack. I'm not coming back" you said with the most serious face you could put on. Just then Jack started to cry. Mark was just off to the side watching. Your plan was to start bringing stuff out but seeing Jack cry made you both forget the plan and just talk. "Please. Please don't go. I need you in my life. Your my source of sunshine on a bad day. Your my cake taster. Your my movie date. Your my sick day best friend. Your my one and only. Please. I'm begging you. I don't even care that Mark sees how desperate I am. You mean that much to me. I can't and I won't go on without you." He finished.
    He was holding on to your shoulders and looking at you dead in the eyes crying. You were looking into those bright blue shiny eyes. They didn't seem like Jacks eyes. They seemed lost, empty, missing. You hugged him. He gladly hugged back. "This will teach you a lesson about pulling a prank on me."you said starting to smile. He pulled away from the hug when you said this. "Wait, this was just a prank?" Jack said. He was still crying for some reason. "Yes it was. It was also a way to see if you were still loyal to me, but after hearing what you said. I couldn't be any happier. I love you so much Jack. I could never leave you." You said starting to cry. "I'm going to go guys. I'll see you next time. Text me if you need me" Mark said getting into his car and driving away.
    "(Y/N). I could never leave you. I would never cheat on you. You have no reason to cry. I love you so much. I'm so glad your going to stay. Trust me. There will never be another prank. After this, I would never want to risk losing you. You mean way to much to me." Jack said pulling you into a hug. You were a big crying mess. You weren't even hugging back. He had your arms trapped. He was just holding you close. He picked you up and brought you inside. He never let you go. He sat you on the couch and he got up and went in the kitchen. About 5 minutes later and he came back in with blankets, pillows, and movies. "Hey, tonight, you and me are spending the most time with each other. I love you so much." Jack said covering you up and pulling you close. "I love you too Jack" you said. That was the sweetest thing he had ever done. You will never be able to forget this night.

(A/N. Hey guys! Thanks for 400 reads! I have been busy but I will update more! Comment or message me suggestions! I might update again tonight! Thank you guys!)

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