I love you.

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(A/N: Hi guys! I just thought this was pretty cute and some of you might need this today so here you go! If anyone needs someone to talk to, I'm here! You can just message me and I'll be there. I love all of you.<3)
       Here I am again. Sitting here, on the bed, crying. Mark has been worried sick about me. I've told him over and over again that I'm okay. He never believed me but he wouldn't make me tell him. Even though there was something wrong, I couldn't worry him about it. He has videos to make and edit. I don't want to be annoying, so I just sit in here and cry while he's busy. I clean myself up before he gets done so he doesn't notice, so I got up and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror at myself. I can't stand it. I quickly shook the thoughts away and cleaned myself up.
I exited the bathroom and went to the living room and sat on the couch. I turned on the tv and put on my favorite movie and began to to watch it. I soon heard a door open and close. I'm assuming Mark is coming. I felt the couch dip down next to me. I was right, it was Mark. "Hey." Mark said, snuggling up next to me. "Hi." I laughed. "What have you been up to while I was recording?" Mark questioned. Of course he would ask that. "Oh, uh, nothing much." "I don't wanna hear that. You've been saying that every time I ask. Come on (Y/N). What's up?" Mark muted the tv and turned to me. "Mark. It's nothing, I'm fine." I lied, never making eye contact as my eyes began to tear up. "(Y/N). Look at me." I looked up at him as a tear fell. Mark looked at me for a moment and pulled me into a hug. I began to cry into his shirt. He didn't care that my tears we soaking it. He just rubbed my back gently and rocked back and forth until I calmed down. He let go of me and looked me in the eyes. "Please tell me what's wrong." He said with concern and sadness laced in his voice.
"I don't deserve you Mark. Your Markiplier. Millions of people love you. Your kindhearted and you do everything you can to make people happy. I'm just, me." I choked out. "Don't say that (Y/N). I love everything about you. I love the way your hand fits in mine perfectly. I love your voice. It's so smooth and calming. I love your smile. When you smile, it brightens up the room. I love when we hug. I get to hold my whole world in my arms. When we kiss, it's like fireworks exploding all around up. I love when I look in your eyes. They tell your whole story. They show that you have been through so much, and you fought through it. Your stronger than ever (Y/N). I love you so much. Please don't forget that." Mark finished and pulled me in for another hug. I couldn't help but let a smile on my face. "I love you too Mark." I said and kissed him on the cheek. He laughed a little and let me go. "Now to brighten up the mood, how about some ice cream?" He said standing up and offering his hand. I smiled and nodded, grabbing his hand and following him to the car.

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