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       Me and Jack were walking down the sidewalk, side by side. He took my hand into his and intertwined our fingers. I looked at our hands and smiled. It felt weird holding his hand. It didn't actually feel like I was holding it at all. I squeezed his hand a little tighter, still nothing. "You okay? If you squeeze any tighter your gonna make my hand explode!" Jack laughed. "Um yea, I'm fine." I laughed. "Alright." He said and swung our arms back and forth. That made it feel even more weird. "Jack?" "Yes?" "You can feel my hand in yours right?" "Of course I can ya silly." "Alright." I laughed and he laughed also. It still didn't feel right but oh well.
    Once we got back home, Jack offered to make lunch. I nodded and went to the couch to wait. I fiddled with my fingers to see if I could feel my own hands. I couldn't feel them that much but I could still feel them more then I could Jack's hand. I guess I got lost in thought because Jack was in front of me waving his hand in my face. "Oh. Uh, Hi." I smiled and waved. "Foods ready lass." He laughed. I laughed along and nodded as he led me to the kitchen. He had sandwiches and chips on separate plates and glasses of milk. I scanned the table then looked up at Jack. "Classy." I laughed. "Hey! Don't judge me!" He laughed along with me as we sat down. Jack began eating right away.
     I picked up my sandwich and took a bite. I began to chew but something was different. I couldn't taste anything. I could feel the food in my mouth, but I couldn't taste it. "Jack?" "Yes?" "You can taste the food, right?" I asked and looked up at him. He gave me a confused look and began to laugh. "Um, yea? I taste the food just fine. Do you?" "Honestly, no. I don't taste the food at all." I answered honestly. Jack looked at me strangely. "I'm not hungry anymore." I said and stood up. "Me either." Jack stood up and came to me. "Are you okay?" Jack asked, concern written on his face. "I'm fine. I'm sure this will pass." I smiled reassuringly. "I'm sure it will." Jack nodded and kissed me. It didn't feel right. I seen him get close to my face and I felt my lips warm up but I didn't feel him kiss me.
     "Jack. Kiss me again." I said. Jack looked confused but agreed. I kept my eyes open. He leaned in and he definitely kissed me but I didn't feel it. "I didn't feel it." I whispered. "What?" Jack questioned. "I didn't feel you kiss me. I didn't feel us holding hands either." I whispered again. Looking up at his eyes as my eyes glossed over with tears. "I don't know what's going on Jack." I chocked out. He looked at me and then pulled me in for a hug. I felt it more that I did the kiss but it still wasn't right. He let go and looked into my eyes. "No matter what is happening (Y/N), I'll be here for you." He smiled. I felt a faint smile creep onto my face. "Thank you." "Don't thank me (Y/N)." "Why not?" "I don't deserve it." "Huh?" "I don't even deserve you." Jack let go of me and began backing away. "What are you talking about Jack?" I began to walk towards him but he just backed away faster. "I'm sorry (Y/N). I can't do this." Jack said and ran out our front door. "Jack wait!" I ran after him but he was to fast. I dropped to my knees and began to cry. I began hearing ringing in my ears. Getting louder and louder.

I sat up in bed. My alarm clock going off next to me. I turned it off and ran a hand through my hair. "It was just another dream." I whispered to myself. "(Y/N)! Get up! Your going to be late for school!" My mom called from downstairs. Man. I really need to stop having dreams about him. The man doesn't even know I exist.

(A/N: Hiiiii. I just randomly had this idea and I thought it was pretty cool soooo here ya go! Sorry if I scared anyone.😋)

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