I'll see you soon

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(This will be kinda short but thank you to jacobg2007 and DeannaMcManus101  for giving me a couple ideas to make this chapter!)

      I don't really remember much about today. All I know is I'm sitting on the couch thinking about stuff. I thought about Jack. He has seemed pretty upset lately. I didn't know why. When I tried to talk to him, he would ignore me. I gave him his space. Until I heard Jack shuffling around in the kitchen. I got curious and went to see what he was doing. I slowly made my way from the couch to the kitchen as I peeked my head around the corner to see Jack. He was messing around with some dishes. "Jack." I spoke out softly. He immediately froze. "Jack?" I said again as I walked a little closer. "(Y/N). Why did you have to leave." Jack whispered, grabbing his head and resting his elbows on the counter. I was confused, until it hit me. I committed suiside.
    In that moment I regretted everything. I seen tears flow from Jack's eyes as he sobbed loudly. I walked a little closer. I tried to touch his back but my hand just went through. I quickly pulled it back as Jack shivered. "(Y/N). Why?" He sobbed. "I'm sorry Jack." I whispered. He shuddered. I know he can hear what I'm saying in his head. "Don't worry (Y/N)." He said sitting up. Tears still heavily flowing down his face. "I'll see you soon." He whispered as he grabbed a knife and began to walk to our bedroom. I followed him close behind. "Jack stop. It's not worth it. Please." I said trying my best, but to know avail.
    He walked into the room and sat on the bed. He raised the knife to his wrist. "Jack stop please." I said. I shook his head and made one cut. "Jack don't! You need to stay! Don't make the same mistake I did!" I said standing in front of him. He made another cut. I focused all of my energy on my hand and I touched the side of his face. He felt warm. He softly grazed his hand and across his cheek. "Don't worry (Y/N). I'll see you soon." He said as he made another cut. He shook his head, looking at his wrist. "This isn't fast enough." He whispered as he made his way over to our closet. He opened it up and grabbed a gun. "Jack! Please don't! I want you to stay! Please!" I screamed. It didn't work.
       He laid there. Lifeless. He was gone. I knelt down beside him and focused on my hand again. I swiped his hair from his face. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see a pale Jack. I jumped into his arms. He laughed slightly and hugged back even tighter. "I'm glad your here but you didn't have to do that. I would have stayed with you." I said looking into his eyes. "I know you would have but I just couldn't go another second without seeing you." He said with a smile as he pulled me in for another hug and he kissed my head.

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