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    I woke up. I sat up in the best with a smile on my face. I looked over and Jack wasn't there but I couldn't help but smile because today was my birthday! I was all giddy when I grabbed my phone. I had a ton of birthday wishes. Mark tweeted me and so did Pewds and a couple others. I replied to a few other birthday wishes and then decided to go look for Jack.
    I began to walk into the living room when Jack jumped out in front of me. "Jesus Jack! You scared the death out of me!" I said clutching my chest where my heart is. "Happy birthday babe." Jack said and pulled me into a hug. "Thanks babe." I responded. Jack broke the hug and grabbed my hand and pulled me to the living room couch and sat me down. "Stay here." He said with a smile as he walked away.
    About two minutes when by when Jack walked back with a tray that had Pancakes, bacon, eggs, and a glass of milk. "Aw! You didn't have to do this!" I said as he sat the tray on my lap. "Well I wanted to because it's your birthday." He said sitting next to me with his food.
   After we ate, Jack brought me back to his recording room. "Since its your birthday I want you and me to play a game." He said grabbing another chair. We sat down and he pulled up  Mario Maker. "You just want to see me rage don't you?" I asked as he handed me the controller. He laughed and nodded. I shook my head and laughed with him.
   "Top of the morning to ya laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye and this is my lovely girlfriend (Y/N)!" He shouted and pointed at me. "Hello everyone!" I said trying to match how loud Jack was and I waved to the camera. "Today we will be taking turns playing Mario Maker! She will be going first." Jack yelled as he picked out a level for me. Of course the clear rate was only one percent. As the level began I died in like two seconds. "What?" I yelled. Jack died of laughter. "Well then. I guess I have to move right away." I said. I started the level again and ran immediately. The level was easy at first then it started to get harder.
~Little time skip~
   "Yes! Finally!" I yelled and flung my arms in the air. "You did it babe!" He yelled and hugged me. "Well that does it for this video and if you liked it, Punch that like button on the face LIKE A BOSS! And I will see all you dudes," I cut him off. "IN THE NEXT VIDEO!" I yelled. He laughed. "See what I have to deal with here people?" He said into the camera and hugged me. He stopped the recording and looked at the time. "Do you want to record some more?" He asked me. I nodded my head in agreement and jumped around and he laughed. We sat down and began another game.
~Time Skip~
    We finished up. We played a lot of games together. "Go put on some comfy clothes and meet me in the car. Okay?" He said. I nodded my head and had confusion written on my face. Jack laughed. I went up to our room and put on some (f/c) sweat pants and a Jacksepticeye shirt. I threw on some tennis shoes and a headband and went to the car. I got in and turned to Jack. "Where are we going?" I asked as he began to drive. "You'll see. What time is it?" He asked. "Ugh. It's 7:36." I said. "Perfect." Jack mumbled to himself.
     We drive for about ten minutes when Jack pulled into the grass. "What are you doing?" I asked in confusion. Jack didn't say anything, he just pulled a black cloth out of his pocket and handed it to me. "Put this over your eyes." He said with a smile. I put it on and Jack helped me out of the car. He grabbed my hand with one hand and put the other around my side to help guide me. We walked for a little while and then finally came to a stop. "Okay. You can take it off." Jack said letting me go. I grabbed the cloth on my face and pulled it off. There right in front of me was an amazing view of the city and the sunset. "Woah." I said out of amazement. Jack chuckled and sat me down next to him. He put his arm around me and I leaned my head on his shoulder. We both watched as the sun fell behind the horizon line. We sat there for a little while as I began to dose off. This was officially the best birthday ever. "Goodnight beautiful." Was the last thing I heard Jack say and I fell asleep on his shoulder.

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