Decisions Endings

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A/N: So I decided that I will do all 3 endings ;)! Hope you like it. :)

Mark ending
"Okay. Good. Well I like... Mark. I'm sorry Jack." I said. I hugged Jack. "It's fine (Y/N). I understand." Jack said letting go. "I go back to Ireland tomorrow anyway and it would be hard to keep a relationship." Jack said. "I'm glad you understand. I'll still text you everyday okay? Also we can always play game together!" I said. "Of course!" Jack said. As he left the room I turned to Mark. He stood up and picked me up and spun me around. "Thank you so much." Mark said setting me down. He kissed my forehead. "Your welcome." I said. Mark went to go comfort Jack.
~Time Skip to next morning~
We all just got in the car to drop Jack off at the airport. I was going to stay in L.A. a little longer. Jack was happy. Him and Mark were talking and laughing together. I'm glad that he is okay.
We arrived at the airport and walked Jack in. His plane didn't leave for a little. We went to the Starbucks that was at the airport. "Hello there! May I help you?" The nice lady behind the counter said. "I would like a (coffee name). Thank you!" I said. "Okay. $3.94!" She said politely. I was about to get out my money but Mark out his in front of me. "I'll pay for all of us." Mark said. Then Jack and Mark ordered and Mark payed. We thanked him and sat down at a table together. We all just talked back and forth and had a great time before he had to go. We met a couple of fans on the way and took pictures and signed things. There was one fan in particular that seemed to flirt with me. Now because me and Mark just got together we didn't want to say anything about it yet to anyone so of course he didn't know.
    "Hey (Y/N)! I'm Josh! I'm such a big fan!" He said. "Hi! Thank you so much!" I said. "Can I have a picture? Your beautiful face would be perfect with mine!" Josh said. You can practically hear Mark and Jacks temper rising. "Sure!" I said. I didn't want to be mean to a fan so I went up next to him to take a picture. Instead of just our faces, he moved the camera farther away to get our body's in it. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me really close. I was very uncomfortable. Mark and Jack could tell. After the picture he gave me a small piece of paper. "Call me." He said a tried to kiss me. I could hear Mark and Jack running for me. Mark practically picked him up and moved him. Jack backed me away. Josh ran off then. Mark then hugged me tight. "Thanks guys." I said. "Anytime." Jack said. Mark just nodded and smiled.
   Now it was time for Jack to go. Mark and Jack hugged and said your goodbyes. Jack came and hugged me. "Text me if you need anything. Okay?" Jack said. "I will Jack. Text me when you get home." I said. "Okay." He said and smiled. He waved goodbye and went on his way. Mark then turned to me and grabbed my hand and walked out with me.
Jack's ending
    "Okay. Good. Well I like... Jack. I'm sorry Mark." I said. Jack got all happy but Mark got pale in the face. "It's fine." Mark said smiling. "Good." I said. Mark went outside. I'm guessing for some air and sometime to think. As soon as Mark shut the door, Jack ran to me and hugged me. "Thank you so much (Y/N). You won't regret your choice. I'll make sure your happy." He said kissing me. "Thank you." I said with a smile.
    I decided that I would go to Ireland with Jack. I think that would be the best choice. I had plenty of clothes to last me a while in Ireland. Jack went outside with Mark to spend some time with him. We both are leaving tomorrow. I feel bad that we are leaving but I think it's for the best.
~Time skip to next morning~
    All three of us were walking through the airport. We had a little while to chat so we sat down an talked. We talked for about 1 hour. It was a lot of fun. Now it's time for me and Jack to go. Jack gave Mark and mainly hug. I hugged Mark too. "Tell me if you ever need me." Mark said. "I will. Thank you." I said. He half smiled and nodded. Me and Jack then waved goodbye and started to get on our plane.
    We took our seats next to each other. We were waiting for the plane to take off. Jack grabbed my hand. "Thank you. Really (Y/N), thank you." Jack said smiling. He was so caring and happy. He always wanted the best for everyone. "Don't worry about it Jack." I said smiling back. He kissed me and laid his head down. Still having a firm grasp on my hand. I didn't bother to move. I then laid my head down and fell asleep.
    "Ma'am? Sir? The flight is over." The lady woke Jack up and he jerked up and he pulled my hand a little waking me up. We both thanked her and grabbed our things and left the plane. We walked to the luggage conveyor belt and grabbed our stuff and left.
     Once we got to Jacks house it was so surreal. I was at the mans house that I loved. I was just standing in awe when two arms wrapped around behind me. "Thank you." He said again. "No Jack. Thank you." I said he spun me around and kissed me. This is the best day of my life.
Third ending ;) (Short)
   "Okay. Good. Well... I like... Both of you." I said they were both confused. "I'm sorry guys. I can't choose. You both are amazing. I love you both." I said grabbing one of their hands with each of mine. They said it's okay and we just spent the rest of the trip hanging out and having fun. Then it was time for me and Jack to leave L.A. and go back to our homes.
   I got home and I didn't regret my choice.

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