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"Oh (Y/N)!" Jack yells. He just got done recording. You were relaxing on the couch watching a movie. "Yes?" You yell back not moving from your spot. You were very comfy. Jack came running out and jumped over the back of the couch. Landing right next to you sitting straight up. You started to clap and cheer. "Thank you. Thank you. Hold your applause!" He said waving like a prince. You stopped clapping and looked at him. He just stared at you right back smiling.
"Jack? What did you want?" You say looking confused at him. "I have a surprise for you." He said smiling. "Gimme!" You said throwing your arms in the air. "Not yet." Jack said giggling to himself and smiling. "Whyyyyy?" You said. Jack laughed at your frustration. "You'll see. You will get it soon I promise. I'm going to got get it tomorrow." Jack said standing up to walk away. "Jack! You can't tell me you have a surprise and not give it to me! It's so not fair!" You say grabbing his arm and pulling it. Jack started to laugh. "Don't worry babe. You'll survive. You be happy when you get it I promise." Jack said looking back at you and kisses you on your forehead and went back to his office to edit. 'Oh we will see if I have to wait until tomorrow. I will find out today.' You thought to yourself.  You got up and went to the kitchen. You took out cake mix and cookie mix. You knew this would be a while.
~ Time skip to 1 hour later ~
    You finally finished. The cake was a chocolate cake with vanilla icing but it was the color green. The cookies were chocolate chip and had tiny icing hearts on them. You set up the cake on the middle of the kitchen counter and put cookies all around it. You were so proud and amazed even you would tell yourself a secret! You were very happy with your work and you were ready for the big test. Time to show Jack.
      You snuck into his office. He was editing a video. You quickly put your hands over his eyes. "(Y/N)? What are you doing?" He asked trying you pull your hands off. "Not telling you. Just come with me." You said. He stood up and you moved your hands. "Close your eyes and don't look okay?" You said grabbing his hands. "Okay. I'm trusting you." Jack said as he closed his eyes with a smile.
      You led him out to the kitchen and stood him right in front of the cake/cookie masterpiece. "Are you ready?" You ask. "Um yea!" Jack answers all giddy. "Okay then. Open!" You said. He quickly opened his eyes and his mouth hung wide open. "Wow. This is pure gorgeous." Jack said looking up at you. "Why thank you very much." You said smiling looking down at it. Jack came around and gave you a big hug. This was your chance. "Now will you tell me?" You said still hugging him. "Ahhh. I see what your doing. You did all of this just so I would tell you my secret." Jack said breaking the hug to go grab a plate and he started to cut the cake. "Yes and because your such an amazing boyfriend." You said smiling. Jack put a big piece of cake on his plate and a couple of cookies. "Nice try sweetie but I'm not telling you." Jack said and kissed you on the cheek and sat on the couch. You grabbed a plate and cut a small piece of cake and a couple cookies and sat next to him. You figured that you might as well just give up and hang out with Jack. "Aww I'm sorry babe. I feel bad now." Jack said grabbing your hand. "It's okay. I'll wait. I'm sure it's worth it. Just enjoy your sweets." You said looking at him smiling. Jack nodded and smiled.
     ~Time skip to the next morning~
    Today was the day and you were so excited. It was 10 am and Jack was about to leave. "I'll be back okay? I'm going to call you when I'm here so you can go to my recording room and wait for me to bring you out, Okay?" Jack said kissing your cheek. "Okay." You said. "Bye. Love you." Jack says. "Love you too." You said as he walked out. Jack had been gone for about 20 minutes. Then he called. You went to his recording room and waited.
Jack's POV.
      I was so exited. I couldn't wait to give (Y/N) this puppy. She has been wanting one for so long and I was so exited. This puppy was 5 months old. I brought the puppy into the house and put the puppy bed on the floor and laid the puppy there. She didn't seem to want to move so that was good. I put 1 toy next to her and the treats and food and everything else on the floor next to her. Now was the time. To tell (Y/N).
  Your POV.
   Jack came in. "Close your eyes." He said grabbing your hands and walking you to the surprise. "Are you ready?" He said. "Of course!" You yelled in return. "Open." He said. You opened your eyes and you were in shock. You started to cry. You knelt down and picked the puppy up. Jack sat beside you. "Jack. Thank y-you so m-much!" You were stuttering and shaking so much you could barely hold the puppy. "Your welcome." Jack said putting an arm around you and kissing you. The rest of the night you and Jack played with the puppy and had such a great time.

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