Pax East (Part 2)

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I woke up to the sun shining brightly through my window. I sat up in bed. All of the memories from last night flooded in. A smile crept onto my face. As I was thinking about last night, my phone made a noise. I looked and I had a text from Jack.
Morning Beautiful ❤️ You up yet?
   I couldn't help it. I let out a little squeal and fangirled a bit. Just the fact that Jack was text me and called me beautiful just made me all giddy.
Morning😊 I'm up!
   I responded.
I'll come pick you up in about 20 minutes and we can walk all walk to Pax together!
  He responded fairly quickly.
  As soon as I sent that I ran the my suitcase and grabbed a black shirt with a Septiceye on it. I also grabbed some high waisted jeans. I put my clothes on and put on some light makeup. As I finished I heard a knock on my door. I hurried to the door and took a deep breath and opened it. Jack stood there looking at me with his beautiful blue eyes and his bright smile. I couldn't help but blush. "The boys are waiting out front. You ready?" He asked putting out his hand for me to take as he smiled wide. I nodded and grabbed my phone and took his hand as he intertwined our fingers. I closed my door and we began to walk.
We both walked to Pax, hand in hand, Mark and Wade following right behind us. This was amazing. As we walked in, the security stopped us. "Excuse me Miss. You can't be in here." The security guard said. "She is with me." Jack said pulling me close to him. The security guard nodded and walked away. "Woah. I was scared." I said beginning to walk again. "Don't be. Everything is alright." Jack laughed. I giggled and continued walking.
     We got to the booth where Jack, Mark, and Wade are signing things and Jack got me a chair. I sat down and watched them sign things and take pictures. Many people came and many people went. I loved seeing how happy Jack was while meeting his fans. There was one fan in particular that I didn't like. As she came up to Jack she immediately hugged him. She hand him sign her hand probably just because he would be "holding her hand." When she took the picture with him, she kissed him on the cheek. He still smiled happily into the camera. Even though me and Jack aren't "official" boyfriend and girlfriend, it still hurts me. I couldn't stop thinking of it. It made a little sad.
    After signings were over, the boys were helping pack up. I still couldn't help thinking about the girl from earlier. As soon as they all were done they all came happily over to me. I didn't want to put them in a bad mood so I put on a fake smile. "Hey (Y/N)! We are going out to eat. Wanna join?" Mark asked. Jack was looking at me with hopeful eyes. "Of course." I said. Jack smiled bright and grabbed my hand. "Then let's go!" Jack yells running, pulling me along. Mark and Wade were running behind us. The restaurant was just down the street. "Race ya!" I yelled and pulling my hand out of Jack's grasp. I darted forward. I seen all three boys pass me. I knew I wasn't going to win. I had to act fast.
   "Ouch!" I screamed and did a roll on to the ground so it looked like I fell. The boys stopped in there tracks and turned and looked at me. Seconds after they ran full speed at me. "What happened!" Jack yelled kneeling beside me. We were right next to the restaurant. I waited for the perfect time. "I- I tripped and fell and, my ankle, i-it hurts." I said. "I'm so sorry." Jack said as he looked me in my eyes. All of the boys were completely focused on me. I broke our eye contact and looked ahead. The coast was clear.
    I instantly jumped up and ran to the front door of the restaurant. "I win!" I yelled, jumping around. All of the boys were in shock. They all laughed and jogged up to me. "You got me." Jack admitted. Mark and Wade nodded. "Thank you very much." I bowed and walked in. As we sat down at our table the thought came to my mind again. The girl from the signing. I hid it as much as I could but it was hard. I was sitting next to Jack, while Mark and Wade were on the other side. "I know your upset about something. We can talk about it later." Jack whispered in my ear. Just then we got our food.
    After we got done we all went our separate ways. Me and Jack walked to our hotel, while Mark and Wade walked to theirs. Jack walked me up to my room. "Mind if I come in?" He asked. "Sure." I said letting him in. He sat on the bed and motioned me to sit next to him. "Wanna talk about what's got you down?" Jack asked. "It's stupid." I said shaking my head. "I don't care. Please tell me." Jack said wrapping his arm around me. "Fine. At your signing, one of your fans had you sign her hands. Also when she took a picture with you she kissed your cheek. It made me kinda upset but it's stupid because you and me aren't even official so I-" Jack cut me off and kissed me. When we pulled away I was speechless. "Wanna make it official?" He asked.

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