Zanvis Part 2!

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Travis's POV

I walked into Zane's dark house. I heard crying from the living room. There on the floor was Zane crying in his knees. "G-g-garroth?" He asked looking up, his beautiful face covered in tears.

"No... It's me Travis remember?" He nodded. I sat next to him. He hugged me and started to cry into my chest... I held him tighter and brought us to the couch. He cried till he fell asleep. I couldn't get up, so I just put arm protectively around him and also drifted into the darkness.

~Time skip to morning~

Zane's POV

I woke up in someone's arms. I looked up and it was Travis... I remember last night, I broke down, and I almost had a panic attack. When I went to call Garroth and instead I called Travis, he came when I needed him, he ran through the rain to help me... No one has ever done that other than Garroth and Vylad and that is because they are my brothers and we care for eachother. I tried to get up but Travis brought me back down. "Where do you think you're going?" He said raising an eyebrow, I giggled.


"But you are so warm!" He said but sighed letting go. I went upstairs and changed. I came back down and Travis made pancakes! I sat down and started eating. Travis finished both of his pancakes and all his milk, and I only ate half of one and one half of my milk. "Zane... Are you okay?" He asked, I nodded. "You should really eat..." He stated. I stayed quiet, he sighed. "Let me guess you have an eating disorder?" I looked down and nodded. "Hey! You shouldn't be ashamed of it! I used to have an eating disorder too! The trick is to think of it as an obstacle to get to something and the only way to get to your goal is to eat most of your food!" He said, I stared in disbelief. How could someone so perfect have an eating disorder. "But is up to you to overcome your obstacle, others just support you and help you push forward! Well... Call or text me if you need me... I'm going to go home so the guys don't worried!" He said happily... I nodded and waved as he left... How can someone so perfect ever love me... I sat on my couch thinking whether or not I should end my life right here and now...

Travis's POV

I went back to me and guy's house. Dante and Aaron were playing video games, they were sitting so close! I had enough! I walked in front of them. "This is all for your benefit!" I said, I turned there heads so they faced each other, than I moved there heads together making them kiss. Thanks to me they kissed! They pulled apart blushing and scooted even closer to each other. Laurence and Garroth came in holding hands... We ended up all sitting down playing video games, there was only four remotes so we took turns sitting out. In the 10th round my whole body started to shake so much that I shook across the couch I was sitting on. "Travis... Are you okay?" Aaron said.

"I'm fine... But someone else isn't!" I closed my eyes tightly trying to find out who it was but nothing was coming!

Dante's POV
We were all looking at Travis whose whole body was shaking. "UGH!!... Wait... oh no..." He turned deadly white and he bolted out of the house with a gust of wind following him. I panicked a little.

"Someone is about to kill themselves..." I mumbled.

"What?!?!" Aaron kinda yelled.

"See Travis has this thing where if one of his friends are breaking down, self harming, or are about to kill themselves, Travis left hand will start to shake, with Zane it is his right, and his whole body means that someone is about to kill himself and only he-" My phone went off, it was a text from Travis... one word. "Zane..."

"He Zane?" Laurence said.

"No... ZANE!!" I said, Garroth was out of the door running to his brother's house.

Travis's POV

I ran into Zane's house, I saw him in the kitchen with a knife in hand, ready to stab himself in the chest.

Zane's POV

I was about to kill myself when someone's warm body collided with mine from the back. They wrapped their arms around mine grabbing the knife and throwing it away... It smelled like sugar, I couldn't turn around, I was crying. "Zane... Why would you do that?" He said calmly. I stayed quiet at first.

"B-b-because, I'm not needed in this world, I'm just some gay freak that nobody really cares for, I'm a nusensents..." I said almost a whisper. Travis made me look at him, he had some tears rolling down his face.

"Natsu (his cat!) cares for you, Aphmau care for you, Garroth, Vylad, Aaron, Dante all care for you... And I love you..." He said. D-d-did h-h-he j-j-just. Before my mind could react I kissed him... I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him... To my surprise he actually kissed back his arms wrapping around my petite waist. He pulled away. "Don't ever do that again... Because I know... and I'll stop you and have to punish you in the best way possible!" He said.

"And what would that be?" I asked.

"I'll have to show you latter..." He said sitting on my couch. I went to close my door and I saw the guys.

"Great..." I sighed and kept the door open.

"Great what?" He looked out and chuckled. "I can't believe he could understand what I meant by just texting 'ZANE!!' To him..." I looked at him. The guys came in and made me sit on the couch, Travis sat next to me. They gave me some big lecture, at some point I sat on Travis's lap made myself comfortable, snuggled into his chest and fell asleep.

Travis's POV

Some point during their lecture Zane sat on my lap and fell asleep. I layed down, put my arm over him and also fell asleep.

Garroth's POV

We all were giving Zane a lecture, when we finished we found Zane sleep on Travis, they were cuddling. I giggled and took a picture sending it to Vylad. I also told him what happened. He understood and totally shipped them too! We let them be and went home and continued to play more video games!

Zane's POV
Once they left I heard them close the door. I smirked and got up. "Are they gone?" Travis asked. I nodded. "Okay! Let's go take a bath... I want you to tell me everything..." I blushed.

"I... oh..."

"Not like that! Don't worry! I'm not going to hurt you... I promise!" He said...

"O-o-okay..." He grabbed my hand and brought me up stairs, he turned on the water to the tub and started to take off his shirt...

"Come on... I don't bite... Not yet anyway..." He said, I blushed and started to take off my clothes and got into the bath with Travis. "Okay, tell me why you broke down yesterday, why you would think those things from earlier..." (Let's say Zane has a huge tub that he never uses, it is like a hot tub, the same size too!) He swam next to me. I took a deep breath.

"Okay... My father loved my brothers but was always abusive towards me without my brothers knowing, he would beat me and because of my feminine features he would use me like a girl chew toy, but I could stand it, till something happened in high school where he started to beat the crap out of Garroth and Vylad... so in middle school through high school, I dated Michi, well more like she forced me. I didn't like it at all, I also hated lying to her, I didn't want to hurt anyone. One day I had enough and I told Michi that they couldn't be together... She thought there was another girl, but then I told her that I didn't like girls at all and that I was gay... When I got home, our dad beated me to a pulp then kicked me out of the house... He became more violent, he started drinking and beating Garroth and tried to beat Vylad up... And it was worse because Garroth couldn't come forward too and say that he's gay too... it hurt them and I... physically and emotionally. Garroth gave me enough money to get started in an apartment, sooner or latter I had to drop out and took online classes so I could work full time, sooner or later Garroth and Vylad ran away and I got this house." I said and sniffled, Travis engulfed me in a hug. I smiled. "Thank you..." I said finally. He gave me a confused look. "For loving me..."

"Love is a thing you don't force, everyone will find someone that they love, it just depends when they found it." He said kissing me passionately. I sighed and closed my eyes I opened when I felt Travis behind me, I shivered. "Shh... I'm just washing your fluffy hair!" He said. We washed each other and got out. We got dressed and went to bed in each other's arms. 

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