Words Hurt More Than A Punch

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"Hello class!" Teacher Maddy said to all the wattpad family. One student, Emma (Surfsoul12) raised her hand. "Yes Emma?"

"What are we learning today?" Everyone else nodded.

"Well we are going to learn why words hurt more than a punch!" Maddy replied.

"I don't understand?" Maya Suarez (ThePeacePrincess) said. 

"Yeah what does that mean?" Jordyn (lauroth4life) asked. Everyone else nodded as if agreeing to answer the question.

"Well, sometimes people call people names, things, and it hurts people, more than the person who said it thinks... How about I tell you a story!" Everyone smiled and nodded.

"Please do!" Dragon (Dragonkepper333) exclaimed.

"I'm going to be telling it in the point of view of the person being called the names. It is his second year, a Monday the first day... here is his story... ___________________________________________________________________________________

Malachi's POV

Hello! My name is Malachi Nightmare! I'm adopted so I guess you can call me Malachi Phoenix! I go to Phoenix Drop high school, I guess, you could also call me, ugly, loser, geek, nerd, gay freak, idiot, etc. everyone else does! I woke up this morning before Levin like usual, I got dressed and started making breakfast for Levin. After I finished he came down. "Thanks! Did you eat?" He asked stuffing his face with waffles, he was dressed in his uniform.

"Yup!" I lied, I don't eat, sometimes I have to cause my mom or Levin be there, but most mornings I don't eat, I never eat lunch, and occasionally eat dinner! After we finished we got in the car and our mom, Aphmau drove us to school! Once she left Levin snickered and headed to homeroom, unfortunately, me, him, and all of his friends are also in that homeroom... I walked in and sat all the way in the back... The teacher came in and sat down so did the rest of the class. 

"Alrighty class! I want you all to tell us your name and something about you! First row go first!" Here we go again. Levin smirked. 

"Well! I"m Levin Phoenix! And this is my older brother Malachi Nightmare, who loves reading and writing!" He said and ruffled my hair. I just rolled my eyes and pretended to smile. Everyone smirked and some laughed silently at me. Even Yip, he is my crush... Alexis, she is Levin's crush, and is supper nice and is always helping me out, which is super annoying! Than there is Kyle, he is something different, he is always happy, perky, and excited! There is always a skip in his walk, but at the same time he is wise and says weird things, that no one understands but me... Everyone else introduced themselves before the bell rang! I ran out of there as fast as I could and to my private music class. With the amazing music teacher Miss. Sharon!

"Hiya Malachi! Do you got anything for me?" I nodded. She set up an audio recorder and my guitar.

"What's that for?" I asked.

"To record you silly!" I nodded and got set up. She nodded before she turned on the recorder.

They're gonna clean up your looks

With all the lies in the books

To make a citizen out of you

Because they sleep with a gun

And keep an eye on you, son

So they can watch all the things you do

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