Part 3

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Part 3:

Let's just say... The Alcohol came out... And Gene got drunk pretty quickly, he gets drunk very easy... 5-7 drinks... he is out...

"Gene?" Vylad asked scared as Gene was starting to slur talking.

"Hey cutie~" Gene slurred.

"Gene... You're drunk!" Vylad stated and sat Gene down at one of the picnic tables.

"No! *hic* I'm not drunk! *hic* I haven't had one beer! *hic* Okay! *Hic* I had a beer pretty man!" Gene was really close to Vylad's face and had a finger on his chest and was smiling. Vylad was blushing fifty shades of red. Than Zane came over, sober thankfully.

"Oh no... He's drunk isn't he..." Zane asked. Vylad nodded and Gene just giggled and poked Vylad's nose. "You should take him home... I heard he's great in bed when he's drunk..." Zane said with a chuckle as Vylad turned multiple shades of red.

"I'll take him home... But I'm not getting where near a bed..." Vylad shaking his head... But we all know that ain't true! They left... And Gene was able to get Vylad into bed! Than Zane walked over to the president, who was sober with a sober Kyle... (P.S! Zane dropped Blaze back home before coming back, since he knew people were going to get drunk!) Once he got there though. Levin leaned in and kissed Kyle wrapping his arms around Kyle's neck. Kyle was surprised at first but slowly melted into the kiss... Zane was lonely now, since Zenix, Bolto, Sasha, and Ivy lift a little after the beer came... So now... Zane, was sitting on the rim of the pool, his feet dangling in. Than the gang came up behind him and sat down next to him on either side. He just ignored them and looked into the water...

"Hi Zane..." Aphmau said.

"Hello..." Zane replied with a smile. Before he got up and took off his shirt and put it on a chair before diving into the water. He came up with a smile.

"Woah..." Katelyn said. "I never knew you had such... defined... abs... or abs at all..." She continued. Zane laughed.

"Honey! You don't know much about me! I've these kinda abs since after high school. And during school... I didn't weigh much either because I didn't eat... My jacket and sweat-shirt always seemed to be heavier..." Zane replied with a smile and swam near to the edge. "Plus a few years as a general only made me stronger!" He added.

"I still can't believe you said those things to your mom though..." Dante stated.

"Well... It's true... We all go to hell... Also... I finally got to speak my mind to her... She never seemed to care that I went missing for a few days... And now, I'm broken into tiny pieces... Most of my heart has healed thanks to my new family, and Blaze..."

"What did happen to break Zane~Kun?" Kawaii~Chan asked. Zane giggled a little insanely.

"Well... When you are locked in a room, that is just white, but the floor and the metal weapons, toys, and chains hanging on the wall and the blood and white stains on the floor, all that ever comes is some little food and water, cuts, that heal over time and one man that comes every morning and stays with you the whole day. Slowly cutting enough for them to heal, than he uses his toys and his own body on you... And every once in awhile you could see kids a little older sometimes younger be dragged in or you can hear their screams... But only being 6 and weak... You can't do anything but hope to get out..." Zane said with a weird smile. "But! I'm all good now!" Everyone was looking at him wide eyed. "Than Garroth wasn't there for me either... Nor was Dante for Gene... Or their moms for them... Our dad's just pushing us to do things we don't want to do, pushing us down... But now we have each other! And we can kick some ass!" Zane said and punched the water.

"I didn't know..." Garroth whispered under his breathe. Dante was just looking down and played with his thumbs.

"And I wanted to..." Dante barely whispered.

"Why didn't you!?!" Zane snapped at Dante.

"My Dad told me to leave him alone saying he is gay and that he deserved it and if I went near him that he would hurt him more and me..." Dante whispered staring into the water. "And I also don't get why Maddy always has me looking into water..." (THE FOURTH WALL IS BROKEN!!!)

"Eh? Whatever... But... yeah... I would have helped if I knew... Mama told me that you went over a friends house for a couple days..." Garroth added.

"Oh... Well... Um... Then... Sorry for earlier where we kinda lashed out on you..."

"So tell us more about yourself..." Travis said. Zane used his upper body strength to get himself out of the pool. He sat there and felt all the bumps on his lower arms.

"I used to cut... I used to not eat... I wrote all the songs sang but the last one which Gene made completely by himself... My family is everyone in arms... I'm good friends with the president or baby cakes... I'm letting Gene take Vylad's virginity about right now... Umm... I've never had a boyfriend... I like my little horsie... Oh and I love cupcakes that's why a lot of people call me cupcake!" Zane said with a smile.

"Well that's a lot..." Travis said and wrapped his arm around Zane's shoulder, Zane looked at him and winked.

"Well... My fingers should be playing in your snow white while my face just barrows a kiss to give back..." Zane said with a smile before getting up grabbing his shirt and leaving. "Till next time..."

Fin... Or so they think! No it is actually the end!

Me: So how was that!

Zane: It was better in your head... But still cool!

Me: I have a question, why were you crying last time?

Bolto: Because we watched The Notebook...

Sasha: I swear Maddy next time you are watching with us!

Me: But I got no one to cuddle with!

Laurence: I'll cuddle with you hot stuff!

Me: Hell no! You go with Garroth! *Pushes them together*

Katelyn: What about me pretty face?

Me: See now you are some hottie! Now where is Vylad and Gene? And where did Zane and Travis go?

*Vylad and Gene stumble out of one of the rooms, Gene is shirtless, and their hair is messed up*

Vylad: You... Um... We are here!

*Weird noises come from a couple rooms over*

"Fuck baby! Yes!" Someone like Zane yelled.

Me: I knew that would happen... My little Cupcake is losing it's virgin sprinkles...

Zenix: Umm... Yeah... *Leans and whispers to Bolto* Why are we here? I thought you said we were going to that hotel around the corner?

Bolto: *Blushes with a smirk* Well! Me and Zenix have to go make love! See you later! *They leave*

Me: Welp! Everyone's starting to leave to have sex! Bye!

Everyone that is still there and is not making out, only 3 people... Maddy, Katelyn, and Kawaii~Chan: Daaron, Zanvis, Gaurence, Sasha and Ivy, Kevin... Holy cow... This is shipping paradise and bye!

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