Camping Trip!!

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Their Cabin

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Their Cabin

Their Cabin

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The Loft

The Kitchen, the TV, and Stero over TV

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The Kitchen, the TV, and Stero over TV

THE PUN AT THE CAMPGROUND IT IS REAL!! Also the Cabin in the background

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THE PUN AT THE CAMPGROUND IT IS REAL!! Also the Cabin in the background

The CampGround I went to! It was really fun spending the 5 days with my family and cousins, and a giant fork in the road!

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The CampGround I went to! It was really fun spending the 5 days with my family and cousins, and a giant fork in the road!

Camping Trip!
Ft. Malachi! Levin! Kyle! Alexis! Yip! Katelyn! Aphmau! Dante! Travis! Zane! Aaron! And yours truly, MADDYYYYYYY!
3rd Person
Maddy sat in the back seat of the excursion, with her headphones on listening to her playlist of her new and old songs, from her IPod shuffle, which surprisingly works after 6 years... Garroth and Laurence weren't coming since they had other plans, plus... . Yip was driving this car, which included, Levin, Malachi, Kyle, Alexis, and Maddy and almost all the stuff... All there bikes, food, bedding, clothes, bathroom things, etc... And in the second car, with the older people's camper and stuff. The ride was about an hour and a half, Maddy, and Malachi (who had shotgun) were listening to music while Levin, Alexis, and Yip were listening/watching Miss.Doubtfire(I think that's how you spell it?) after what felt like forever Yip pulled into the Great Divide campground! Before hopping out and registering getting there cabin key... After Maddy and Malachi took off their headphones and Levin took out the movie as they looked around the area, it was very hilly, there was a pavilion, playground, pool, and lake by the entrance! Maddy had a huge smile on her face and started laughing hysterically once they go to a fork in the road just downhill from there campsite. But the thing was, it was literally a giant fork in the road!
"I love this place already!" She laughed. "These are my type of people!"
"Very funny Maddy..." Malachi said rolling his eyes with a small smile. They pulled into the little rocking driveway outside their cabin. Yip unlocked the side door before going in and unlocking the main sliding glass window. Slowly, everyone got out of the car getting everything inside, putting food in the fridge, putting sheets on Kyle's and Levin's bed and sheets on the two mattresses up stairs, and putting a blanket on the couch for Alexis, they put up the Easy-Up over the little picnic table with the bikes, and then chill axed in the cabin because it was like 93 degrees outside. Maddy was messing with the radio in the cabinet over the decent sized tv, and soon was able to find a good radio station that came in good and played classic rock and older songs which still were amazing! And she was bouncing off the walls with excitement!! She hasn't gone a big camping trip with all her friends!
"OMI! Aren't you guys excited!" She exclaimed.
"I am! I can't wait for all this week!" Malachi agreed, everyone else nodded. They decided to go to the adults campsite right next to there's. They were down setting up and we're all sitting in chairs around a cute little lit fireplace, it had little stars and a moon.
"That fireplace is so cute!" Alexis exclaimed looking at it.
"I know right!" Aphmau squealed slightly. Everyone say among the fire and chatted till Aaron and Dante came back with dinner which was pizza from a pizza place down the street from the camp ground.
"Damn this pizza is so fucking good!" Katelyn said out loud being the first one to have a slice.
"Language!" Aphmau hissed at her. "Madys is only 13!" Malachi and Maddy giggled.
"It's okay Katelyn, I hardly ever watch my profanity!" Maddy whispered.
"Maddy curses so much, I swear she's like a dictionary of bad words..." Levin stated.
"Damn girl..." Travis said. "So you're like Zane when he's losing a game and is trying hard, things are about to fall out of his hands, or stubs his toe?"
"I don't curse that much!"
~small flashbacks brought to you by Samsung! Where Sam's have sung!~
Zane was playing minecraft and was shrouded by zombies, "shit, fuck, ass, ballsack, fuck balls, suck ass, ass cock! Shittttt!"
Zane was holding many things and they started to fall, "no! Shit! Fuck! Bitch ass boxes don't fucken fall out of my fucken cock pumping hands!"
Zane stubbed his toe on a chair, "fuck! Shit, ass, cock sucking fuck balls! Fuck balls, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!"
~flashbacks are over~
"Okay... I can see what you mean..." Zane mumbled pulling up his mask to hide his blush.
"Huh... Maddy does the same thing!" Kyle said.
"Oh shut it! You asswhip!" Maddy told him, glaring.
"That's my girl!" Malachi said putting an arm around her shoulder.
"Yup your BFFEAEAELLSRG!" Maddy stated.
"Your what?" Yip asked.
"Best friends for ever and ever and ever long last sibling relationship goals!" Malachi said checking it over in his head before nodding. "In other words, my best friend for ever, and I'm still yours you duff..." Malachi said sitting on his boyfriend's lap snuggling into Yip's chest.
"Good..." Yip grumbled.
"Hell why would I separate you too, you too first are my best friends, second. YOU TWO ARE LIKE ABSOLUTE OTP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Maddy started to say getting louder with each word. As it started to get later the youngers when back to the cabin, (Saying goodnight to the olders) and watched Zoom (An amazing superhero movie which you should totally watch by the way!) Maddy was writing in her journal about that day, it also started down pouring outside, but once the movie ended, they went to bed, Kyle and Levin in the queen sized bed in the bedroom. Yip and Malachi sharing a twin mattress, Maddy on her own twin mattress (Both twin mattresses are in the loft!) And Alexis was sleeping on the couch!
~Next day~
Everyone woke up around the same time and had a poptart going on there phones and IPad's(In Maddy's case) and played some game for a little, before going to the olders camper and helped make breakfast, which was eggs, bacon, and a huge pile of smallish pancakes all this was cooked on griddle, they all talked among themselves, and sweating... It felt like 101 degrees out! So they decided to go to the pool! Well, the younger ones were going to go now, and the older ones were going to come in a little while. And all the younger ones took their bikes but Maddy and Malachi, all of them made it down the first hill by the time Maddy and Malachi made it to the top.
"Hey Mal..." Malachi turned around just to move out of the way of a rolling Maddy laughing her ass off rolling down the hill like a 5 year old. "THIS IS SO MUCH FUN!!!" Malachi laughed before doing the same thing, once they reached the end they laid down, laughing like they were high waiting for the world to stop spinning. Before getting up and running to pool, putting down their stuff, and diving into the deep end of the pool, which surprisingly wasn't crowded saying that it was so hot out! After a few hours, they got out and played on the playground and the half basketball court for a little before heading back to the pool before they had to go back to the campsite they all took quick showers in the public's showers to get the chlorine out of there hair, (Mostly Maddy and Alexis). After that they all had hot dogs and hamburgers for dinner before the youngest went to the cabin, getting changed into their pj's went down stairs and watched Real Steel... Before brushing there teeth and going to bed, again it was pouring rain.
~Day 3~
After breakfast (The same as day 3) they went back to the cabin and played games, such as card games, Sushi Go!, after a while they decided to go back to the olders campsite, once they got there though it started to rain, and they did the only thing you could do, they danced in the rain while the olders looked at them laughing and taking videos!
~Day 4~
(Basically the same as the others days! But instead they have a giant water fight! With freezing water!)
~Day 5~
They left...

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