Part 2ish

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Mavis x Alexis

So last chapter you and Laurence got together, and we figured out that Mavis has a crush on Alexis. This is a year after everything. Laurence and Y/N got married, and had another kid, and now here Mavis is with her friends.

Mavis's POV

"So you two aren't dating, so I have just thought you and Yip have been dating for the last year but you ain't!" I said to Malachi and the others. "Okay! I have to go do something! Totally not a shipping shrine that always works to make couples together!" I said getting up and walking to my house, but Yip grabbed my arm and made me sit down.

"I'd rather not have a second shipping shrine, Kawaii~Chan already has one..." He said taking a seat next to Malachi... I felt my power level drop slightly, I need people around me to be in love! I'm a love angel! The more love the healthier I am! I looked at Kyle and Levin.

"So you guys aren't dating either?" They shook their heads... Great... Just great! I started coughing a little.

"You okay Mavis... You just got really pale..." Levin asked. I nodded and started coughing again.

"Yeah, I'm fine..." I said shivering slightly. Alexis put her arm around me, I felt love! The color probably came back to my face and I stopped coughing. "Hehe! I'M GREAT!!" I sang and stood up. "Let's play truth or dare!" I was bored. They all shrugged.

"Sure!" We sat in a circle on the grass.

"Okay! Malachi truth or dare!" Yip asked.

"Truth...." malachi said slowly. Yip leaned in and whispered something.

Malachi's POV

"Is it true that you would go on a date with me?" He whispered in my ear. I smiled and nodded.

"That is not even a question..." I whispered back. "Yes, I would love to go on a date with you!" I added. He smiled ear to ear and hugged me. Mavis looked even healthier... I wonder... Everyone was also giving us weird looks because we just whispered that all.

"So! Mavis truth(says in a mysterious voice) or dare(brave, heroic voice)!" Yip says.

"I do the dare!" She stated all derpily.

"Than I dare you too..." He paused with a smirk before leaning over something in her ear. She blushed 50 shades of red.

"I-i-i'll d-do i-i-it l-later i-in p-private..." She managed to say, Yip looked satisfied with himself. Mavis regained her composer. "Kyle la truth or la dare!" She said.


"Je te défie de baiser Levin sur les lèvres!" Kyle blushed and the rest of us stared confused.

"Oh... pourquoi?" He answered back, still blushing.

"Parce qu'il est mon bateau!" Mavis exclaimed.

"F-fine..." Kyle grabbed Levin's hand and walked away. We followed them and my eyes widened, Kyle had Levin pinned against a tree and was kissing him, holding Levin's hands above his head. My clenched my fist and I was ready to punch him in the face, but I saw Levin start to kiss back. I was about to punch Kyle but Yip held my hand and slightly dragged me back to our circle. We played a little more before going our separate ways.

Mavis's POV

Me and Alexis walked back to her house... I got this! I GOT THIS!! I'm a love angel! I have fallen in love with Alexis and Yip told me to go for it! Alexis came back down wearing her pj's me and her were having a sleepover so I was already in mine. Before she could do anything I pinned her against the wall and started kissing her... She kissed back... SHE IS KISSING BACK!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! I started kissing down her neck, pulling off her shirt.

Use your wonderful imagination from here on out!

~Next day~

Alexis's POV

I woke up surrounded by red and white feathers? I shot up straight. The feathers moved, and they were wings, the winged creature turned around with a yawn my mouth dropped when I saw they were attached to a naked Mavis. She looked at her wings then tears started to form in her eyes. "I-i s-s-should g-go..." She whispered, she made her wings disappear. She was about to walk out but I grabbed her wrist.

"So you are a love angel?" She nodded. "No wonder you look like an angel..." She blushed. I pulled her into another kiss... We got dressed and walked up to the top to the mountain, she made her wings appear and spread them out.

"Get on!" She pointed to her back. I did as told she flapped her wings before jumping off the cliff. I clung onto her. Before I opened my eyes. She was flying in the sky, she let herself fall before catching herself and gliding down the hill gaining speed. Everyone stared in wonder. She finally stopped landing on the ground in the center of the plaza, she twirled me around before setting me down. She kissed me. We heard 'awes' than we saw some guy looking me up and down. Mavis noticed this merchant. "She is mine! Back off!" She growled wrapping me in her wing. The guy backed off and went back to his shop.

Alexis and Mavis dated for years to come, as well as Levin and Kyle, and Malachi and Yip. They all lived happily, lovely, ever after!

MCD One-shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora