§*Chapter 1*§

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Author's warning: My updates maybe slightly slow or fast depending on how quickly I get inspiration, please do not critize my work or steal it or I will track you down and end you >-<, also sometimes I get writer's block so if you're stuck waiting too long I apologize but don't overdo the update comment please..thank u now onward and yonward!

"Dad she's coughing again!!!" Mrs.Dupre was having one of those coughing spells...and yet again Anyae's father did not come. He's gone again....he left!

Disappointment as strong and as potent as codeine flooded her conscious. This would have had to been the third time he disappeared without telling them and the fourth time she knew she would come in late for work again. Well she might as well say goodbye to her job now....she was pretty sure Ms.Webber would fire her if she came in late again but Ms.Webber was like a second Mom to her, was her Mom's best friend, and knew her Mom had cancer..so she kinda doubted she would but you never know.... she knew her Mom also wondered where he went off to and in most cases he wouldn't come back until the next day so no they were not on the best of terms.

Since the bastard wanted to be a lil bitch and run off again she had to do what she had to do....she sat her Mom up and helped her into her coat and slippers then guided her down to her car. "I-I'm-,"her mother stopped trying to talk while coughing and wheezing and looked at her when she put her hand in hers and squeezed. Tears welled in her eyes as she gazed at her momma's tired appearance, feeling her throat tighten around a lump,"M-Momma..d-don't talk okay...I'm gonna g-get you to the t-treatment center o-okay? Don't you worry M-Momma y-you'll be f-fine...,"yet even as those words left her lips she could feel her composure slippin and her voice wavering but for her Mother's sake she would keep it together.... She...had to...


When they got to the treatment center as soon as a doctor spotted her Mom he took her to a room immediately. Though she tried to follow them inside a nurse guided her back out.

"Wait.. no lemme get to my Momma...I-I need to be with her!"

"Ma'am I can understand that you are distressed right now but it would be better to leave you understand?"

This woman was crazy if she thought she was just gonna leave her Momma like that. "No! What I-I can't leave her! I need no I HAVE to be with her!!" At some point she felt two strong pairs of arms grab her and pull her well more like drag her outta there. Anyae kicked, punched,and yelled like a mad person. "Get off!! Let go!" But they held onto her til she quit fighting.

"Are you calm now?" One deep voice had the nerve to ask her."Yeah now let me go..,"slowly those two pairs of arms let go, setting her on the ground and as the security left her she felt her control crumble to the ground.

Now what?

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