Motivational Quotes #1,451-1,500

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(1,451)Every morning, we get a chance to be different. A chance to change.A chance to be better. Your past is your past. Leave it there. Get on with the future part.


(1,452)Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Matthew 7:13-14

(1,453)By being yourself, you put something beautiful into the world that was not there before.

Edwin Elliot

(1,454)From what we get, we can make a living; what we give, however, makes a life.

Arthur Ashe

(1,455)All the effort in the world won't matter if you're not inspired.

Chuck Palahniuk

(1,456)If you don't encounter setbacks in your career, if you don't have doubts and disappointments, let me tell you, you're not dreaming big.

Michael Bloomberg

(1,457)Through perseverance many people win success out of what seemed destined to be certain failure.

Benjamin Disraeli

(1,458)It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.

Aristotle Onassis

(1,459)Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.

Thomas Jefferson

(1,460)The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing that you will make one.

Elbert Hubbard

(1,461)Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.

Thomas Huxley

(1,462)Stop rehearsing the pain of the past. It's time to write the rest of the script.


(1,463)For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any double-edged sword, piercing even to the point of dividing soul from spirit, and joints from marrow; it is able to judge the desires and thoughts of the heart.

Hebrews 4:12

(1,464)If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you'll never get it done. Make at least one definite move daily toward your goal.

Bruce Lee

(1,465)One person can make a difference and every person should try.

John F. Kennedy

(1,466)Don't just be yourself. Be all of yourself. Don't just live. Be that other thing connected to death. Be life.

Joss Whedon

(1,467)In any situation, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing you can do is the wrong thing; the worst thing you can do is nothing.

Theodore Roosevelt

(1,468)The greatest prison people live in is the fear of what other people think.


(1,469)People cry, not because they're weak. It's because they've been strong for too long.

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