Chapter 6-Meeting

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—Shimada Castle,Japan—

After many days, Master Hamada Shimada had been working on Y/N social skills for a week, the next week will all be about training, then the next week will be on her social skills. The purpose of undoing her won't be easy. Master Hamada wants the girl to act normal, like a normal child. Make her laugh in some way, but serious when she is needed to be. In the end, she developed a relationship with the girl. Which he needs to keep his limits from.

When it was time after many weeks, it was time to undo the girl. In the middle of the night, Master Hamada Shimada was watching Y/N shoot some arrows toward the dummy. It wasn't the best, but could be consider passing for a girl who is introduced to the bow and arrow.

"Was that good enough? I think I missed the heart.",said Y/N as she felt like a failure for not hitting it on the heart.

"A shot like that would make your enemies bleed a slow painful death."

"Do you not think a quicker death would be fair?"

'She is getting better at asking questions'

"Depends what you like best. Come, there is something I want to show you?"


Master Hamada helped the girl remove the dummy and got the bow and arrow from Y/N.

"Have you heard about the Shimada Dragons?"

"Yes, I did my study well and precise. The Shimada Clan all and only could be able to control the dragons. Some process up too four dragons which is rare. Most common is two, not a lot process three, a lot process one."

"A quick study."

"I am talented.",the girl smiled.

"Do you think anyone out of the Shimada clan could process this power?"

"No, I have learned that the Okazaki clan could process the. . . Badger."

"Each and every clan have their different abilities to get toward their enemies. "

"I see."

"Have you ever seen one summon a dragon?"

"I have not."

"How do you summon a dragon?",Hamada asked as he walked a couple feet away from Y/N. His bow and arrow in hand.

"You must have a saying to summon one's dragon."


"Master Hamada? What are you doing?"

The Shimada pointed the Bow and Arrow toward the girl,"Do you trust me?"

Y/N remained silent.

"Answer me when I ask a question."


"Ryuu wa sorera subete o kyatchi!", the man yelled as he released the arrow and within that arrow. Three purple dragons appeared from it as it burned the arrow into dust. The Dragons roared as they grew in size.

A Steady Blade Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora