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I left the apartment complex and sighed, feeling the cool air against my face. I walked down the street, keeping out of the way of any other people walking by. I smiled when I reached a nice park, people of all ages walking around and having fun. I walked down the path and sat down on the bench, ignoring the drops of cold water on it. This was...nice. Peaceful. I sighed and leaned back, looking at the sun through the clouds.


I walked down the path through the park, groaning when I stepped in a puddle. I hate the rain. I sighed and kept walking, eager to get to Wade's house before it started raining again. I soon reached one of the park's many clearings, watching a group of kids run around and play tag. I laughed and kept walking. "What do you have with you, Greenie?" I looked and saw that down the path, a group of teens I knew from school were around a bench. I could just barely see the bright green hair beneath the boy's hoodie.

"I got nothing you buggers!" He snapped in an Irish accent. "I just moved here not even a day ago! Buzz off!" I ducked behind a tree, hearing the bullies laugh. I knew what it was like, being picked on by them. they always rat on me for random nonsense.

"Yeah, sure you do you little chicken! What's in your pocket?" He gasped when suddenly he was pulled to his feet, arms pinned back.

"N-Nothing!" They pulled something silver and shiny from his pocket.

"Awww, a little necklace! Where did you get it, Dag? Your mom?" I softly heard him mutter a yes in reply, causing them to laugh. Oh, I really want to help the guy...

I gasped when suddenly he kicked back, kicking the boy in a not-so-pleasant area and sending him to the ground. He punched the guy holding his gift and caught it when he dropped it, running for it. I watched in amazement, the guys speed was incredible. Within seconds, he was gone, leaving the boys in his dust.


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