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A/N: I can't believe I have 39 chapters of this shit XD ALSO, LAST NIGHT SOMEONE I KNEW CAME OUT AS ASEXUAL TO ME! Congrats to them! *Starts chantin* LGBT+ LGBT+ LGBT+! And for any of you who don't already know, I'm bisexual!

Mark pov

Classes that day were pretty normal, except for the glimpse Jack and I would share from our seats. And Fred and Sally were very clingy, and I was getting pretty tired of Sally rubbing against me and Fred trying to "prove" himself every chance he got. You could imagine my relief once the bell rang for lunch and I had a moment to breathe.

I walked into the cafeteria, happy to find all of my friends at our table, Ice and Jack included, and no Sally or Fred in sight. "So he cuts the ropes and it cuts to a flashba- hey Mark!" Ken was the first to greet me as I sat by Jack and Cry, saying hello.

"Hey guys!" I pecked Jack's cheek, wrapping an arm around him. "Hey babe." He rolled his eyes and smiled, shoving my arm off making me giggle.

"Hey Mark." He muttered before stuffing his face with his apple.

"So Mark, we were thinking of throwing a party at Bob's house," Ice said, waving their fork at me. "Just a group of friends, probably gonna play some video games, maybe drink a lot of soda." I smiled. A party would be fun, and it would give me a chance to hang out with Jack outside of school.

"You wanna come?" Wade asked after swallowing some water.

"Hell yeah!" I grinned widely. "When are we thinking?"

"Friday!" Minx yelled happily, giving us all a beautiful view of the chewed up watermelon in her mouth. Krism laughed, clamping a hand over Minx's mouth.

"Awesome, I'll be ther-"

"Maaaaarkimooooo!" My grin instantly fell upon hearing Sally's nickname, replaced with a fake one. Cry gasped when he was shoved against Ken, leaving room for Fred and Sally to squeeze in. "Ugh, it's too tight!" Sally whined getting up. "You," She gestured to Jack. "Move the hell over." I could see Jack's eyes darkening and a scowl form on his face, so I chuckled nervously and moved closer to him, pushing myself so he was almost on my lap. Both of our faces seemed to glow red and Sally scoffed, sitting down.

"This is Sally and Fred, guys!" I introduced, trying to ignore the fact that Jack was trying to get more comfortable with how he sat. "Sally and Fred, this is Cry, Ice, Jack, Bob, Wade, Felix, Minx, Krism, and Ken." All of my friends said hello, but Fred and Sally were silent.

"So this is your posse?" Fred asked, eyeing the group with one eyebrow raised. " I would have thought they'd be...cooler. Not a pack of freaks." We all gasped and Cry had to hold Ice back from punching Fred.

"We aren't a damn posse," Jack hissed, making Fred's eyes meet his. "We're his friends ye little arsehat."

Fred smirked, "Aren't you the loser from before? Of course you aren't a member of his posse. You're some faggot suck up."

"Says the guy who's been following him all day." The both glared at each other and the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Jack suddenly smiled. "We're his friends, and yer just jealous that ye will never be." And just like that, Fred swung his fist.

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