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Mark pov

Jack stood in front of me sobbing his eyes out. "Jack?!" I ran forward towards him, only to crash into some invisible barrier. "Jack!" His green hair was now dull, and I watched in horror as slowly the colors began to fade to gray. He was now dull, but not completely black and white. However, his eyes were still a vibrant blue. The eyes I loved.

He seemed like he could hear me, staring at the gun in his hands. My eyes widened. "Mom...Dad...everyone...I'll miss you. I'll miss you M-Mark." His voice cracked when he said my name. I felt cold, freezing. Why was he doing this? I backed up slowly, then squeezed my eyes shut as a gunshot rang through my ears. When I reopened my eyes, I was in a meadow. I turned around, my hair flying through the wind. The colors were just as dull as Jack was. The only light was the sun coming up, casting a beautiful golden glow.

"J-Jack? Baby?" The only sound that responded was the wind flowing through the tall grass. I fell to my knees, tears gathering in my eyes.

"Ah, so you must be Mark." I whipped my head around to see a woman in a flowing white dress. She had dark brown hair that flew in the wind and bright blue yes that reminded me of him.

"W-Where am I? Where's Jack?" I rose to my feet, walking toward the woman.

"Jack is in bed with you, dreaming while cuddled in your arms." I then realized, this was all a dream. I sighed in relief, then looked back up at the woman.

"Who are you?"

She clasped her hands together. "Who I am doesn't matter," she said in an Irish accent. "You matter. Mark, thank you. Thank you for looking after my baby." I was confused, then my eyes widened. On her side, there was a large dull red stain.

"Om my god!" I ran over, but she pushed me back, clutching her side and cringing in pain. "A-Are you okay?!"

"I will be as long as Jack is happy," She gave a weak smile. Suddenly she fell to her knees.


"Listen Mark, Jack is in trouble." My eyes widened as blood poured out of her side. the world turned gray, the only color the blood staining the grass. "We need to go to his dream, you need to see what your are doing to him." What the fuck is going on?!

"O-Okay." I bent down and picked the woman up bridal style. She was fairly light for a woman who looked to be in her fifties. Suddenly the world was spinning around us, then it was all black.

"Please Dark." That was when it came into focus. A spot light showed a bloody Jack chained to an old wooden chair and...me? "I-I don't understand!" The other me slapped him, and anger caused me to growl.

"Listen here Jackaboy," It even sounded like me, but a deeper voice. I walked closer, and saw that it's skin was a bit more gray and my eyes were red and black. I had fangs and I was snarling at Jack as I held a whip. "Mark still hasn't come to terms!"

"He's just not ready yet!" Ready for what? "We are taking things slow!"

"BULLSHIT." He whipped him and Jacks scream echoed through the air. "YOU DON'T LOEV HIM, DO YOU?!"


"WELL I DON'T WANNA FUCKING WAIT!" I looked down at the woman.

"That's Darkiplier, your demon." I raised an eyebrow. "Sexuality. When you first met Jack, you felt something strong. Thus creating Darkiplier. He hated that he had to be this type of demon, so he was determined to end it. You are confused mark, you don't know if you really love Jack."

"But I do!"

"Really?" I heard another yell and turned my head to see Dark's knee on Jack's crotch and a knife pressed to Jack's throat.

"DON'T YOU WANT THIS?!" Jack was frozen. "DON'T YOU WANT MARK?!" I growled. This guy was touching my Jack. I clenched my jaw.

"Don't bother Mark," I looked back at the woman. She looked sad. "They can't see us, and we can't interact with them."

"I have to help him!" I pointed to Jack. "He's my-I love him!"

"That's how you help then." She spat. "You need to ask him to be yours. Then Dark will leave. Until then, he is plagued with torture in his mind when he closes his eyes." I stayed silent. Maybe I really did have a fear...a fear that this wasn't the right choice.

But no.

I love him.

And so help me he will be mine. 

Behind Closed Doors ~ SeptiplierWhere stories live. Discover now