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I jolted awake when I heard a voice. "Have you seen my boy? Bright green hair, you can't miss him," I fixed my hood and blended into the shadows the tree provided and looked down. The dork I call my father was standing in front of Wade's house, the two boys at the door.

Mark's face was pale and Wade was confused as all Hell. "I think I would have remembered if he passed by," Wade said, stuffing what looked like an apple slice into his mouth. They turned to look at Mark.

"U-Um, I-I saw a guy earlier. He was running around in the park, gray hoodie right?"

"Yes! Do you know where he went? He's my son, just moved here from Ireland. He's still getting used to city life. Poor kid, his mom di-" by the time he reached that point of his little rant I was already down the tree and storming out of the forest. Wade and Mark looked at me with wide eyes, probably because I looked terrifying when I was pissed. "What?" My Dad turned around just when I reached him. He gasped, seeing me standing there soaked with my hood covering my eyes. "Sean!" He hugged me, but I pushed him off.

"Don't touch me, and don't call me that," I quickly looked at the boys who were taking in my appearance. Soaked hoodie, ripped jeans, usual light eyes clouded with a new-found darkness. I gave a forced smile. "Sorry guys. Have a good night," Wade was looking at my dad, but Mark was looking at me. I mouthed a 'thank you' before beginning to walk away, my dweeb of a father following. He grabbed my hood, making me gasp. "Let go you damn Flake!" I thrashed as he threw me against his car. I slumped against the car, anger filling me. He glared at me.

"I was worried sick Sean! Get your ass in the car." I growled and stood up shakily. 

"No! Fuck you, damn geezer!" I ran past him, dodging his grabs. I ran as fast as possible, barely catching the worried looks of the boys as I dashed into the forest. He ran after me, I knew it. I could hear his heavy breathing and his heavy feet breaking the branches that I easily jumped over. Suddenly, a snake came out of no where. I gasped, and in an effort to avoid it I tripped. I yelped when I was hauled to my feet, a sharp slap against my face.

I looked up into his cold eyes, "we are going home and you are going to be a good little bitch like your mother was." I gulped, studying his evil eyes. I crossed my arms as he dragged me by the back of my jacket. I wasn't moving my feet, I was still as a statue as he dragged me. We emerged from the woods and passed the Josie the kids were at. Wade had went inside, but Mark stared wide eyed at me. I smirked, forcefully of course, and gave him a peace sign before I was shoved into the car. The door slammed behind me and I heard him outside yelling, "Everything's fine kid! Just a rebellious teen." I muttered, 'fuck you' and felt my already bruised face with a sigh. I'm on the forgotten side of heaven and the darkest side of hell, for sure.

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