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Mark pov

My eyes shot open and I nearly jumped. I would have, if it weren't for Jack cuddling my side.  I wiped the sweat off my face and tried to calm my breathing as I looked down at him. He was clinging to my waist like it was a life line. Was that dream real? Was Jack really going through that at night? Did I really have sexuality demons? And who was that woman, why was she bleeding so much? I heard Jack mumble in his sleep and my face softened. I wrapped my arms around him and pressed my lips to his forehead. "Shhh, it's okay. Just wake up...just wake up..."

I rocked back and forth with him in my arms until he opened his eyes. "mmm...Mark?" I pulled back and smiled. He held the collar of my shirt and looked up at me with bright blue eyes.

"Morning." I softly kissed his lips, and he kissed back. He pulled back and smiled.

"That was a nice way to wake up." I chuckled.

"One day we will be able to wake up like that everyday," I whispered, grinning when he blushed. He smiled, giving a devious look.

"I'd like that." My eyes widened when he pressed his lips to mine again with affection. I kissed back, his arms wrapping around my neck to pull me closer. I pulled back a bit and leaned closer to his ear as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"I love you so much." He chuckled. He put his hand on my chin and moved me so I was staring into his eyes. They were devious and playful.

"I know you do, and I love you right back." I crashed my lips into his again.

"MaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAARK!" I jumped away from Jack when I heard a familiar voice yelling my name and heavy footsteps running down the hall. Jack and I scrambled to look like we were on the opposite sides of the bed when my door was thrown open. My brother stood in the door way, a grin across his face and his raven black hair messy. "Oops! Did I wake you guys?"

"Nope." I sat up and so did Jack. he rubbed his eye sleepily, it was adorable.

"Good! Because I gotta meet my bro's best friend!" I laughed when He flopped down onto the bed on his stomach. He wore a gray t-shirt and jeans and socks. He swung his legs back and forth in the air and propped himself up on his elbows, his chin in his hands and a cheeky grin. "Hey! I'm Tom!"

"Top of the morning to ye ladie!" I chuckled as he threw his arms up in the air. "I'm Jack!" He stuck out a hand and Tom shook it happily.

"Woah, you're Irish?! That's cool!" Tom met my eyes and grinned. "And look at your hair!" He ruffled Jacks hair and we all giggled, though I felt something deep down. "You look like Mark, except less of a douche bag." Jack and him giggled and I gasped, faking pain.

"Hey! Rude."

"Aw, cmon Mark! You know it's true." Tom shrugged and gave a sly grin. "I mean, you didn't tell me your friend was this hot." My eyes widened and Jack giggled, blushing insanely.

"Uh, thanks?" he rubbed his arm and Tom looked at him with a smile. I knew that smile. Fuck. No.

"Mark's lucky he gets to share a bed with you," he winked and Jack blushed even more. "Adorable too. Say, how about-"

"Heeey, Tom? We just woke up," He looked at me with a blank face. "How about we meet you downstairs?"

"Oh!" He stood up quickly. "Yeah, sorry for barging in so rude like that." He looked at Jack and my blood boiled at his smile. That was his smile. The smile he used when he wanted something. Or someone. "See you soon." He then left the room, shutting the door behind him. I then growled. Jack looked over at me.

"Mark? You kn-" I swiftly turned my head and caught his lips, making him gasp. I pushed him down on the bed, pinning his arms above his head.  I kissed him roughly for a few seconds before pulling back. We were both breathing heavy.

"You're mine, not his." I pecked his lips once more and we both smiled. "Got it?"

"Got it."

A/N: Remember chapter 6Six6 when @NebulousNick called me a Satanist in the comments? Ahhhhhhhh, good times!

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