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A/N: I am so sorry for not updating yesterday! I took a break to read fanfiction XD

When we got to the school, Ice led me inside. My hood covered my face as we both walked together down the halls, them sticking close to me. I knew some people were looking at us, but Ice said no one would bother me when they were with me. "So Jack! What's your locker?" We leaned against the wall and I pulled the paper from my pocket.

"122, where is that?" They groaned. 

"That's so far from mine, but it's just down this hall," I followed them down the hall, biting back the urge to hiss in pain whenever someone bumped into me. We stopped in front of a dark green locker with a label on it that read, 122. "Well, good luck Jack. I'll see you soon!" I waved bye as they ran down the hall, dodging around the students.

Mark pov

"Mark, you are coming to the party right? For Halloween?" Minx asked, grinning like a mad woman. Which, I guess she was.

"Well, I guess. But I'll have to set up a candy bowl for any trick or treaters who stop by my house," I mumbled, thinking about how many bag I'll need to buy later.

"Psssssh," Krism folded her arms, smirking. "You are too kind, Mark. I say fuck those kids. Minx and i are just gonna leave jumpscare stuff in our yard so if any kids come by, they WILL NEVER COME BACK," They cackled like witches and I chuckled. I turned to my locker, opening it up while looking at my friends.

"Well that's your outlook," I pulled out some books for class and turned around, only to freeze.

"Yeah yeah," Felix said, "But did you guys want to play some Prop hunt later? i heard that..." Their words became white noise to me as I saw him. The teen from last night, wearing the same hoodie as always. He was hanging with that one person, Izzy or Isaac, I think their name was? No, it was something more creative. More, 'out there'. Of course they would be-friend Sean, they seem to have the same rebellious personality.  They seemed to be talking, but it was hard to tell because of the hood. I watched the person hurry away from him, and watched him open his locker.

"Mark? Mark? Hello~?" I snapped out of it and looked at Matthias, who was talking to me. "What are you staring at?" I blushed.

"N-Nothing, Just staring off into space I guess." I bit my lip as Ken looked over at Sean, his face showing his confusion.

"Why are you staring at that guy?" Everyone was now looking at Sean, Wade's eyes flashing in shock. "Is he knew?"

"Mark! It's that kid from the park you thought was cute!" Wade said. I blushed and everyone cooed.

"S-Shut up, I did not! i thought he was smart," I mumbled. Bob bounced up and down, hugging me. Then I remembered last night, he seemed to be in lots of trouble. And that guy,. his dad, seemed pretty sketchy...my suspicions grew when I saw him trying to hide a limp as he walked into the classroom. 

"I ship it like fedex!!!" Minx yelled, jumping up and down.

"Why is he limping?" Krism asked, rubbing her chin. Suddenly her eyes widened and she turned to look at me. "Fucking your crush already? You are spending too much time with Felix!" I blushed again, frowning.

"No! No no no! First, he isn't my crush, second, I'm not gay, third, are you calling Felix a man whore?" Pewds laughing, striking a fabulous pose.

"I didn't choose the whore life, the whore life chose me!" We all laughed, but I kept looking back at the classroom Sean went through. That's my homeroom...

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