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I felt at peace as I dragged my pencil across the notebook paper, dreading the point to where it would wear down and I would have to stand up and sharpen it. I would have to ignore the looks of my new peers, pretend I didn't see them or know they were silently judging me. I'd much rather sit here, drawing myself as a sorcerer. I love video games, well, now that I've moved to LA I don't really have much time for them anymore. I looked up slightly as I heard a bunch of people suddenly begin to say greetings to...Mark? Mark walked in, his friends trailing after him. Mark was smiling, waving hello. I guess he is quite popular. Oh God, will he spread rumors about me? About my father? I quickly ducked my head back down as he and his friends passed. I heard one of the boys giggle and another one whisper something. Oh great, it's starting. I started to panic slightly, realizing they sat RIGHT BEHIND ME. I bit my lip and continued to shade in my Ice Staff. I knew the teacher was late, considering the bell rang and they still weren't here. But I seemed to be the only one bothered by it, considering all the other teens were laughing and goofing off. "Hey," I gasped and looked behind me, flustered. He had blonde-brown hair and light blue eyes, sitting at a table with the other popular kids and...Mark. "Whatcha drawing?" He said in a Swedish accent, looking over my shoulder, making me blush. Thank God it was hidden by my hood.

"u-uh, a sorcerer..." His eyes flashed with something and he grinned.

"COOL! Can I take a looksee?" I blushed, picking up the paper.

"Um, s-sure." He picked up the paper and leaned back, his friends looking over his shoulder. Feeling self-conscious, I turned around, staring at the desk. I heard mumbling behind me, and caught a few words here and there.


"Likes video games"



"Shut up"

I felt a tap on my shoulder again and turned around, seeing the girl with brown and purple hair smiling and holding my drawing out to me. "This is so cool! Here, you can have in back," She said in a British accent.

"T-Thanks," I took back my paper, putting it into my binder right as a flustered teacher stumbled in.

"Yes, yes Ice, I-I will," I perked up, hearing my current best friend's name.

"YOU BETTER, the door slammed shut behind the teacher, a flustered Asian woman. I heard someone behind me mumble, "Ice, fucking terrifying..." I heard lots of people silently talking about Ice. I see why she's so feared...

The woman scanned the room, her eyes landing on me and she smiled. "Ah! Mr. Brown-"

"McLoughlin." I growled, sharp and clear. The room was silent, all eyes on me.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"McLoughlin. Jack McLoughlin. That's my name, don't call me anything else, if you don't mind," She stared at me, in slight shock.

"O-Oh, okay. Mr. Mcloughlin, please come up to the front and introduce yourself," Sighing, I stood up and walked to the front, ignoring the stares of my peers.

"My name is Jack, I'm from Ireland. I live with my dad. I like video games. Good? Good." I sat back down, crossing my arms.

"Alright, I am Ms. Aphmau. I hope you all welcome Jack to our school." I caught faint snickers from somewhere on the other side of the room. Yeah, not going to happen


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