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Mark pov

I continued to kiss Jack, his wall pushed against the wall and legs entwined. God, I love him. I hadn't really noticed, since my eyes were closed, that Jack had paled and his eyes were wide. He suddenly pushed my chest, pushing me away from his lips. That's when I saw the pure look of terror on his face. I raised an eye brow, putting a hand on the side of his face and the other on his waist. "Everything okay?"

"M-Mark, can we finish packing up?" He stuttered, then leaned closer to my ear. "We can continue this later." I turned around and froze. The woman stood in the door, a thoughtful look across her face and her arms crossed. I quickly let go of Jack, well, not really. I held his hand firmly, crossing over to his desk while keep a close eye on the lady who watched us. We continued to pack, and I walked towards the woman who stared me down. Not hatefully, just curiously.

"Excuse me miss." I muttered, motioning to the door. "I'd like to leave." I nearly hissed at the end. I heard Jack zip up the bag from behind me as I met the woman's eyes.

"...I never quite thought I'd lose my son not even a full hour after I met him," She laced her fingers together. "I'm sorry we didn't quite get to meet properly," She sighed, and I almost felt bad for her. Almost. "I hope you two do well. Oh," She paused when Jack grabbed my hand. I looked down at him, seeing a bag hanging on his shoulder. It was adorable, the way he was trying to look strong, thought the bag was clearly heavy. "Well...It was nice meeting you boys." She looked like she had more to say, but she just moved aside after a second of hesitation. I walked down the hall with Jack, turning my head right before I turned the corner to nod my head at her. She smiled, a genuine one.

I led Jack to the door, putting myself between him and his family members. I pulled him out the door, shutting it behind us. "Alright, lets go home-mm!" I cut him off by kissing me, knocking the bag off his shoulders. Both  of my hands held the sides of his face, kissing him sweetly. He kissed back of course, his hands pulling me closer by the collar of my shirt. I pulled away swiftly, my face inches from his. He stared into my eyes, catching his breath.

"Don't worry about them.

I love you more than them all."

A/N: Sorry it's short! My computer was taken away by my mom all day, so this was the best I could manage DX I'm sorry guys. I'm a failure of a writer, lol

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