Chapter 19

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I walked toward the front door and turned back to look at the guys, who had followed me. Silas and North were the closest to me.

"Guys, it's just the door," I said, laughing.

You would think I'd never opened a door by myself before I'd met them, I thought,as I turned back to the door.

When I opened the door, I was glad the guys were behind me.

"Hello, Sang. How are you this evening," Mr Hades asked, standing there on my front porch.

I stood there, frozen by the sight of him.

How did he know where I lived?

"Aren't you going to invite me in?"

No, no I was not.

Before I could find my voice, Silas and North stepped up behind me, each placing a hand on my shoulders.

Mr Hades lost his smile, now looking both suprised and hesitant.

" Oh, hello guard dogs. I didn't know you had company, Sang," he said with a sneer, apparently recovering from the sight of the two guys behind me.

"As you can f*cking see, she does," North growled out. "Now, get lost."

I gasped, looking at North, as he reached around me and slammed the door in Mr Hades face.

"Sang Baby, don't give me that look. it was either the door or his face."

We all settled back into the living room.

This time I sat between Kota and Victor on the couch. North, Silas, and Nathan leaned against the wall, while Luke and Gabriel sat in front of me, on the floor.

"How did he know where she lived," Luke asked thoughtfully.

"Maybe he got it from the paperwork the school has? Or her aunt might have told him," Kota replied.

"He didn't ask for my aunt," I said quietly.

"What was that, Aggele Mou?"

"He didn't ask about my aunt," I said. louder this time. "Why would he come here and not ask about her?"

"I don't think she was who he was here to f*cking see," North growled out.

I knew he wasn't mad at me, but the anger that poured off him in waves made me shiver. I never wanted to give him cause to turn that anger on me.

"What do you mean? Why else would he have came here," I asked, looking around the room at the others.

They all wore angry expressions. They exchanged silent looks for a couple minutes, then Kota spoke.

"Sweetie, he was here to see you. He didn't seem suprised to see you answer the door, but he was suprised to see North and Silas behind you. My guess is he knew you were alone here, or at least he thought you were."

"How though? I can't imagine my aunt telling him that I'm here alone. No one knows she's not living here, except you guys."

"Peanut, are you sure your aunt wouldn't tell him?"

"I'm pretty sure, Nathan. Besides, why would he want to see me for? We just seen him this morning at the school."

"F*cking f*cker," Gabriel muttered. "I think we're going to have to keep an even closer eye on that a**hole. I mean, imagine what could have happened had we not been here."

"Gabriel, nothing would have happened. I -"

"Sweetie, Gabriel's right. If we hadn't been here, anything could have happened. Mr Hades is an unknown right now, and that makes him very dangerous," Kota said, giving my hand a sqeeze. He shot a look to Victor, then looked back down to me.

"Princess, why don't you and I go clean up the dining room and kitchen, while these guys calm down," Victor said. He took my hand and gently pulled me up.

"Come on, Trouble, let's hurry in the kitchen, then we can go look through your closet. I want to see what outfits would work for school,"Gabriel said, taking my other hand and pulling me towards the kitchen.

It was an odd request, seeing as how he had just went through all my clothes over the weekend.

Victor let go of my hand and I turned to look at him.

"Go on up with Gabriel, Princess. I'll clean up in the kitchen, then come join you guys."

I let Gabriel lead me up the stairs and into my room. I had the feeling the guys needed to talk amongst themselves, and Victor, then Gabriel, had provided the means for it to happen.

Kota entered my bedroom sometime later. I was sitting on my bed, while Gabriel was standing in front of my closet, muttering to himself.

Kota crossed to my bed, sitting down beside me.

"Sweetie, Mr Blackbourne and Dr Green are on their way over. Dr Green mentioned needing to speak to you about something. I think now would be a good time to bring up the subject of Mr Hades."

"Whatever you think would be best, Kota," I said, yawning. I covered my mouth with my hand.

Kota gave me a tender smile. "Tired, Sweetie?"

"It's been a long day," I replied, smothering another yawn.

Before he could reply, the door bell sounded.

We have a door bell?

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