Chapter 44

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Dr Sean's POV

A few hours had passed since I had first arrived at Sang's. It was now close to 9 in the evening.

The others were all downstairs in the living room, trying to figure things out. I was up in Sang's room, standing watch over her.

Everyone, including myself, had gave blood within the first couple hours. As I had expected, her body readily took to our blood. While she still hadn't really woken up yet, her color and breathing were back to normal.

Looking down at her now, it was hard to imagine that this was the same girl who had seized on us and vomited blood earlier. I heard the bedroom door open, but didn't turn to look at who it was.

"How is she doing, Sean?"

"Same as she was 15 minutes ago, when you last asked me."

I didn't mean to be short with Owen, but it had been a really long day. After a really long shift at the hospital.

"I took care of your shift for tonight."

I had already forgot all about it. I could always count on Owen to look out for me, for all of us, which now included Sang.

"What do you think happened," I asked him, finally turning away from the bed and leaning back against the wall across from the bed. He joined me before answering. We both kept our gazes on Sang.

"I think the blood her aunt was supplying may have had something extra in it, maybe to allow Miss Sorenson to keep it down. After seeing her reaction earlier, it's safe to say this had never happened before. The only new variable is the blood. Nothing else has changed."

"What about our blood? None of us are the same blood type and our blood came straight from us, when nothing could have been added. How did she manage to keep it down?"

He took a couple of minutes, seeming to think it over. While I agreed about the aunt putting something in the blood, it still didn't explain how she was able to tolerate all of our blood.

After looking at her sample of blood, besides a couple of abnormal things, nothing overly suspicious showed up.

Might have to check out one of the bagged blood her aunt provides to see if I can spot anything that shouldn't be in there.

"I don't know. Not yet, anyway. After we confirm some things, both with Mr Morgan and Miss Sorenson herself, I'll know more. I've put Mr Morgan on finding any information about the aunt. I know we already ran a background check on her, but something isn't adding up. We are missing something."

"Good idea. There's just something about that aunt that bothers me."

"I agree. However, this brings up the question of what to do about the blood. Should we each donate, as we now know her body will tolerate it, or should we allow her aunt to keep supplying the bags of blood?"

I shoot a quick glance at him, shocked. The question caught me off guard. For him to even suggest allowing her aunt to continue to supply the blood was ludicrous. Owen spoke again, before I could respond.

"It's not what I want to do, but unless everyone agrees, we won't have enough blood. If only a couple agree, we will need to use the blood her aunt provides. Allowing something like this to happen again, knowing what we do now, is out of the question."

Ah, good. Owen has got his stern voice going and is now making sense. Glad to have him back.

"Ok, I'm in agreement. However, something tells me that the others will all agree to donate. Some will probably volunteer for a more in-depth blood exchange," I told him, wiggling my eyebrows at him, before turning back to check on Sang.

Still no change.

"Sean, do I need to remind you that you are 3 years older than her and also her teacher?"

I didn't need to look at him to know he was giving me a disapproving look.

"Don't even try to tell me that the thought hadn't crossed your mind."

He didn't comment.

After we went downstairs, before anyone could jump up, Owen spoke.

"She's still sleeping. She will be fine for a few minutes. Now, I have a question for each of you. You are under no obligation to agree. I want you all to thing carefully before giving us your answer."

Owen paused, looking around at the others. At their nods, he continued.

"We now know that Miss Sorenson can tolerate our blood, whereas she wasn't able to the bagged blood that either Dr Green or Mr Griffin brought. Now, we can do one of two things. One, we can each donate our blood, or-"

"F*ck yeah, we will give her our f*cking blood," Gabe cut in.

Owen gave him a stern look, which Gabe ignored. He did apologize, though.

"Sorry, Mr B. Please continue."

"As I was saying, we can donate our blood. Or, two, we can let Miss Sorenson continue to use the supply her aunt provides."

At that, all h*ll broke lose.

Ok, so when I started writing this chapter, it quickly went in a totally different direction. But, I couldn't help but smile as Mr Blackbourne and Dr Sean had this conversation.

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