Chapter 33

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Laying here, listening to Gabriel softly talking about everything and anything, while rubbing small cirlces on my arms, was very relaxing and calming. The tears had long ago stopped and he had wiped my face clean, not seeming to be bothered by the sight of the bloody tears.

Sometime later, I heard the door open and Luke's voice called out.

"Hey Cupcake, I'm going to keep you and Gabe company for a while."

"Come lay down on her other side, Luke. She's freezing cold."

I hadn't even realized that I was even cold. Luke settled down on my other side, moving closer to me. His arm pressed up against mine.

"Holy crap, she's freezing. Gabe, dude, get up and get us some covers. Cupcake and I are cold."

"You get up and get them. I'm just fine where I am," Gabriel told him, moving closer to me.

"Fine, but only because she really is freezing cold."

Luke got up and searched the room. Knowing he wouldn't find any more covers in here, but not being able to tell him, I wasn't supprised when I heard the door open and the sound of him moving around the house.

After a few minutes of searching, he came back into the room. I felt the weight of the covers settle over me. Luke moved back into place beside me, snuggling close.

With both of them there, I felt very safe and comfortable. After a few minutes, I felt my eyes slowly closing. I was out before I knew it.

When I woke up, I knew it was almost 5 by the way my feet were tingling, like they had been asleep and the nerves were waking up.

Looking up at the ceiling, watching the shadows dancing around the room, I got lost in thought about the break in.

Who would want to break into this house? We didn't have anything of value, even our tv was a few years old. Maybe they picked this house because they didn't see a car in the driveway.

My thoughts were interupted by the sound of the door opening. No one spoke and after a few minutes of silence, I thought maybe I had imagined it.

Just then, a loud booming voice rang out.

"What the f*cking h*ll are you guys doing sleeping? You were supposed to be watching Sang Baby, not f*cking sleeping!"

I felt movement on both sides of me, like a quick jerking motion, followed but two voices.

"F*cking h*ll, North, shut up. We are watching her! She feel asleep and-"

"Chill, little brother, she's ok. Look, see, she's awake now."

Luke's face came into view, giving me a huge smile.

"Good morning, Cupcake. Feeling any better?"

I just looked at him, more than ready to be able to talk again. I could feel my knees tingling now.

Gabriel came into view then, on my other side.

"Hey Trouble, do you think you are up for talking this morning? The other day, when I said you girls talk to much, I wasn't talking about you. I love when you f*cking talk to me. Just one word, that's all I ask for."

The look on his face broke my heart. No one should ever look like that.

My waist started to tingle. I tried to move my foot, at least my toes, and I must have moved something, because North's voice rang out again.

"F*cking h*ll, did anyone else see that," he asked. He pulled the blankets off me, saying, "Sang Baby, I need you to do that again."

I tried again, this time with all three guys watching my feet.

"Doc! Get your *ss up here," North shouted.

I could hear feet racing up the stairs and into the room.

"Mr Taylor Jr, what is the matter?"

"What's wrong with Miss Sang?"

"Doc, she moved her toes just now. I think she's coming around," Luke answered before North could.

Dr Sean came into view, pushing Luke out of the way.

"Good morning, Miss Sang. Ready to rejoin us this morning? I'm just going to do a quick check up, ok?"

He gave me a quick exam, from head to toe.

"Ok, Miss Sang. There have been some improvements since last night. Hopefully soon, you will be well enough to speak."

"Ok, everyone, let's give Miss Sorenson some more time to rest. It's been a long night. Everyone else should be arriving back soon. Mr Taylor Jr stay here with Miss Sorenson, everyone else, back down to the living room."

After saying bye to me, they left. North sat down beside me, looking down at me.

"Sang Baby, you scared me. When I walked through that door and saw you for the first time tonight, I just about lost it. I couldn't handle if anything f*cking happened to you. I would destory the whole d*mn f*cking world if something happened to you."

For the first time tonight, I was glad I couldn't talk. I didn't know what to say to that. I loved the fact that he felt that way about me, but I also didn't want to be the cause of him doing damage to something.

Still looking me in the eye, he gently lifted me up and onto his lap, supporting my back with one arm and my head with his other hand. He never broke eye contact.

"You don't even know how much you mean to me, to all of us, do you?"

Hopefully I mean as much to them, as they all do to me.

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