Chapter 23

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I was walking down the stairs, tucking my light blue, sleeveless shirt into the waist of my dark blue, knee length skirt, when someone knocked on the front door.

I hurried to the door and opened it. Kota was standing there, wearing the same thing that he had worn when we had registered at the school last week.

"Good morning, Sang."

"Good morning, Kota. Come on in. I was just about to grab a quick bite to eat, then I'll be ready to go."

Today was the first day of school. I was equally both excited and scared.

"There's no rush, Sweetie. We still have some time before we need to leave. Nathan's coming on over as soon as he's done getting ready."

Kota followed me into the kitchen, leaning back against the counter, while I grabbed an apple from a bowl.

"Have you drank today," Kota asked me.

Ever since last week, after the guys found out what happens when I don't drink, they have been asking me that every day. Some days I have four or five asking me.

Even Dr Sean had asked me two or three times. I figured that the guys had told him what had happened. After all, he was the doctor in the group.

When the guys are here with me, they stayed in the room with me as I drank. I now have no doubts that it doesn't gross them out.

In fact, for some of them, namely Kota and North, it's like they have to watch me, just to make sure that I was in fact drinking it.

"I was just about to," I replied, taking a step towards the sink.

Kota moved before I got far, picking my cup up and walking to the fridge. I watched as he filled it with blood, warmed it in the microwave, and handed it to me. I thanked him, smiling.

I also noticed that whoever was with me at the time, made it their mission to get the blood for me. Now, the only time I made it myself was when the guys weren't around. I was slowly becoming used to it. After taking care of myself for so long, it felt nice having others help you, even in the small ways.

I was sipping from my cup, when knocking sounded from the front door again. I heard it open, shut, then footsteps in the hallway. Nathan soon appeared, smiling at me.

"Good morning, Peanut, Kota. Oh good, you're already drinking," he said, walking over and standing by me. " I was wondering how we would manage that at school."

"I'll drink before I go to school. I've never drank while at school," I replied.

I shuddered, just thinking of what would happen if a student or teacher found out what I was.

Kota glanced down at his watch, then up at us.

"Ok, time to go. Sang, do you have everything you need for school ready?"

I finished the cup, nodding at Kota. I washed the cup, before placing it on the towel to dry.

"My stuff is all in my bag, which is by the front door," I said, as we left the kitchen.

Nathan picked up my bag before I could reach it, and Kota locked the door behind me as we left the house.

Nathan was standing by Kota's car, holding the passenger door open for me. I thanked him as I got in.

He quickly got into the back, behind my seat. It was a guick and quiet ride to the school. It took us 20 minutes just to find a parking spot.

As we were walking in, Kota pulled his phone from his back pocket and started typing on it.

"Ok, so Gabriel and Victor are here in the courtyard, while North, Silas, and Luke are still looking for a parking space. Let's head on to the courtyard," Kota said, grabbing my hand and leading me towards the schools double doors.

Once inside the school, movement was slow going. I couldn't move without bumping into someone.

I was still holding Kota's hand, him right in front of me, trying to push through the crowd of students. I felt Nathan close behind me, his chest brushing my back with every step.

Finally, we made it out to the courtyard. I found Victor and Gabriel almost immediately. They were sitting at a table, across from each other.

Victor looked up from his phone as we got closer, and smiled at me.

"Good morning, Princess. Ready for school to start?"

Before I could answer him, Gabriel, who'd been sitting infront of me, turned and grabbed my arm, gently pulling me down beside him. He put an arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him.

"Morning, Trouble. I can't believe we have to spend a full year at this f*cking school," he said, tiredly.

Did he not get enough sleep last night?

"Morning, Gabriel, Victor," I said, as Nathan sat on Gabriel's other side and Kota sat across from me. "Who's ever ready for school?"

"Get your d*mn arm off of Sang Baby," North said as he, Silas, and Luke walked up to us.

"F*ck off, I'm not hurting her," Gabriel replied, pulling me a little closer.

North grunted, but didn't say anything else as he and Silas sat next to Kota.

Luke sat down next to me and wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me gently towards him.

"F*cking d*mn, Luke," Gabriel said, pulling me back towards him.

"Let go, Gabe. You've had your turn, now it's my turn with Cupcake. Cupcake, tell Gabe he's being mean for not sharing you," Luke said, pouting a little at me.

"Meanie," I said, quietly.

Gabriel leaned into me more.

"Meanie, that's your nickname now," I said, smiling at him.

Gabriel gave me a smirk, but let me go.

The bell rang shortly after that, and Luke pulled me up as he stood. North, Luke, and I all had homeroom together, so I said a quick goodbye to the others, before Luke and I followed North to our class room.

Hopefully school won't be too bad this year.

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